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Asset module

Methods attached to the Kili client, to run actions on assets.

Source code in kili/presentation/client/
class AssetClientMethods(BaseClientMethods):
    """Methods attached to the Kili client, to run actions on assets."""

    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, redefined-builtin, too-many-locals
    def assets(
        project_id: str,
        asset_id: Optional[str] = None,
        skip: int = 0,
        fields: ListOrTuple[str] = (
        asset_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        asset_id_not_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        disable_tqdm: Optional[bool] = None,
        external_id_contains: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        first: Optional[int] = None,
        format: Optional[str] = None,
        honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_author_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_created_at: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_gt: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_lt: Optional[str] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_type_in: Optional[List[LabelType]] = None,
        metadata_where: Optional[dict] = None,
        skipped: Optional[bool] = None,
        status_in: Optional[List[AssetStatus]] = None,
        updated_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        updated_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_category_search: Optional[str] = None,
        download_media: bool = False,
        local_media_dir: Optional[str] = None,
        created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        inference_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        inference_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_labeler_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_labeler_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_reviewer_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_reviewer_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        assignee_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        assignee_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        issue_type: Optional[IssueType] = None,
        issue_status: Optional[IssueStatus] = None,
        external_id_strictly_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        external_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        label_output_format: Literal["dict", "parsed_label"] = "dict",
        as_generator: Literal[True],
    ) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]:

    def assets(
        project_id: str,
        asset_id: Optional[str] = None,
        skip: int = 0,
        fields: ListOrTuple[str] = (
        asset_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        asset_id_not_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        disable_tqdm: Optional[bool] = None,
        external_id_contains: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        first: Optional[int] = None,
        format: Optional[str] = None,
        honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_author_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_created_at: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_gt: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_lt: Optional[str] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_type_in: Optional[List[LabelType]] = None,
        metadata_where: Optional[dict] = None,
        skipped: Optional[bool] = None,
        status_in: Optional[List[AssetStatus]] = None,
        updated_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        updated_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_category_search: Optional[str] = None,
        download_media: bool = False,
        local_media_dir: Optional[str] = None,
        created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        inference_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        inference_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_labeler_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_labeler_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_reviewer_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_reviewer_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        assignee_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        assignee_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        issue_type: Optional[Literal["QUESTION", "ISSUE"]] = None,
        issue_status: Optional[Literal["OPEN", "SOLVED"]] = None,
        external_id_strictly_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        external_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        label_output_format: Literal["dict", "parsed_label"] = "dict",
        as_generator: Literal[False] = False,
    ) -> List[Dict]:

    def assets(
        project_id: str,
        asset_id: Optional[str] = None,
        skip: int = 0,
        fields: ListOrTuple[str] = (
        asset_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        asset_id_not_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        disable_tqdm: Optional[bool] = None,
        external_id_contains: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        first: Optional[int] = None,
        format: Optional[str] = None,
        honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_author_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_created_at: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_gt: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_lt: Optional[str] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_type_in: Optional[List[LabelType]] = None,
        metadata_where: Optional[dict] = None,
        skipped: Optional[bool] = None,
        status_in: Optional[List[AssetStatus]] = None,
        updated_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        updated_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_category_search: Optional[str] = None,
        download_media: bool = False,
        local_media_dir: Optional[str] = None,
        created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        inference_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        inference_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_labeler_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_labeler_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_reviewer_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_reviewer_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        assignee_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        assignee_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        issue_type: Optional[Literal["QUESTION", "ISSUE"]] = None,
        issue_status: Optional[Literal["OPEN", "SOLVED"]] = None,
        external_id_strictly_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        external_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        label_output_format: Literal["dict", "parsed_label"] = "dict",
        as_generator: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[Iterable[Dict], "pd.DataFrame"]:
        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        """Get an asset list, an asset generator or a pandas DataFrame that match a set of constraints.

            project_id: Identifier of the project.
            asset_id: Identifier of the asset to retrieve.
            asset_id_in: A list of the IDs of the assets to retrieve.
            asset_id_not_in: A list of the IDs of the assets to exclude.
            skip: Number of assets to skip (they are ordered by their date of creation, first to last).
            fields: All the fields to request among the possible fields for the assets.
                    See [the documentation]( for all possible fields.
            first: Maximum number of assets to return.
            consensus_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `consensus_mark_gte` instead.
            consensus_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `consensus_mark_lte` instead.
            external_id_contains: Deprecated. Use `external_id_strictly_in` instead.
            metadata_where: Filters by the values of the metadata of the asset.
            honeypot_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `honeypot_mark_gte` instead.
            honeypot_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `honeypot_mark_lte` instead.
            status_in: Returned assets should have a status that belongs to that list, if given.
                Possible choices: `TODO`, `ONGOING`, `LABELED`, `TO_REVIEW` or `REVIEWED`.
            label_type_in: Returned assets should have a label whose type belongs to that list, if given.
            label_author_in: Returned assets should have a label whose author belongs to that list, if given. An author can be designated by the first name, the last name, or the first name + last name.
            label_consensus_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_consensus_mark_gte` instead.
            label_consensus_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_consensus_mark_lte` instead.
            label_created_at: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is equal to this date.
            label_created_at_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_created_at_gte` instead.
            label_created_at_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_created_at_lte` instead.
            label_honeypot_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_honeypot_mark_gte` instead.
            label_honeypot_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_honeypot_mark_lte` instead.
            skipped: Returned assets should be skipped
            updated_at_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose update date is greater or equal to this date.
            updated_at_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose update date is lower or equal to this date.
            format: If equal to 'pandas', returns a pandas DataFrame
            disable_tqdm: If `True`, the progress bar will be disabled
            as_generator: If `True`, a generator on the assets is returned.
            label_category_search: Returned assets should have a label that follows this category search query.
            download_media: Tell is the media have to be downloaded or not.
            local_media_dir: Directory where the media are downloaded if `download_media` is True.
            created_at_gte: Returned assets should have their import date greater or equal to this date.
            created_at_lte: Returned assets should have their import date lower or equal to this date.
            honeypot_mark_lte: Maximum amount of honeypot for the asset.
            honeypot_mark_gte: Minimum amount of honeypot for the asset.
            consensus_mark_lte: Maximum amount of consensus for the asset.
            consensus_mark_gte: Minimum amount of consensus for the asset.
            inference_mark_gte: Minimum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.
            inference_mark_lte: Maximum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.
            label_labeler_in: Returned assets should have a label whose labeler belongs to that list, if given.
            label_labeler_not_in: Returned assets should have a label whose labeler does not belong to that list, if given.
            label_reviewer_in: Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer belongs to that list, if given.
            label_reviewer_not_in: Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer does not belong to that list, if given.
            assignee_in: Returned assets should have an assigned user that belongs to that list, if given.
            assignee_not_in: Returned assets should have an assigned user that does not belong to that list, if given.
            label_consensus_mark_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is greater or equal to this number.
            label_consensus_mark_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is lower or equal to this number.
            label_created_at_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is lower or equal to this date.
            label_created_at_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is greater or equal to this date.
            label_honeypot_mark_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is greater or equal to this number.
            label_honeypot_mark_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is lower or equal to this number.
            issue_type: Returned assets should have issues of type `QUESTION` or `ISSUE`.
            issue_status: Returned assets should have issues of status `OPEN` or `SOLVED`.
            external_id_strictly_in: Returned assets should have external ids that match exactly the ones in the list.
            external_id_in: Returned assets should have external ids that partially match the ones in the list.
                For example, with `external_id_in=['abc']`, any asset with an external id containing `'abc'` will be returned.
            label_output_format: If `parsed_label`, the labels in the assets will be parsed. More information on parsed labels in the [documentation](

        !!! info "Dates format"
            Date strings should have format: "YYYY-MM-DD"

        !!! info "Filtering by label properties"
            When the assets are filtered by label properties using any of `label_*` filter arguments, as soon as **one**
            label matches **all** the label property criteria, the asset is kept and returned by the method. If any of the
            `labels.*` or `latestLabel.*` subfields are queried, **all** the labels of the kept assets are returned together
            with the assets (and not only the ones matching the criteria)

            An asset list, an asset generator or a pandas DataFrame that match a set of constraints.

            # returns the assets list of the project
            >>> kili.assets(project_id)
            >>> kili.assets(project_id, asset_id=asset_id)
            # returns a generator of the project assets
            >>> kili.assets(project_id, as_generator=True)

        !!! example "How to filter based on Metadata"
            - `metadata_where = {key1: "value1"}` to filter on assets whose metadata
                have key "key1" with value "value1"
            - `metadata_where = {key1: ["value1", "value2"]}` to filter on assets whose metadata
                have key "key1" with value "value1" or value "value2
            - `metadata_where = {key2: [2, 10]}` to filter on assets whose metadata
                have key "key2" with a value between 2 and 10.

        !!! example "How to filter based on label categories"
            The search query is composed of logical expressions following this format:

                [job_name].[category_name].count [comparaison_operator] [value]

            - `[job_name]` is the name of the job in the interface
            - `[category_name]` is the name of the category in the interface for this job
            - `[comparaison_operator]` can be one of: [`==`, `>=`, `<=`, `<`, `>`]
            - `[value]` is an integer that represents the count of such objects of the given category in the label

            These operations can be separated by OR and AND operators:
                label_category_search = `JOB_CLASSIF.CATEGORY_A.count > 0`
                label_category_search = `JOB_CLASSIF.CATEGORY_A.count > 0 OR JOB_NER.CATEGORY_B.count > 0`
                label_category_search = `(JOB_CLASSIF.CATEGORY_A.count == 1 OR JOB_NER.CATEGORY_B.count > 0) AND JOB_BBOX.CATEGORY_C.count > 10`
        if format == "pandas" and as_generator:
            raise ValueError(
                'Argument values as_generator==True and format=="pandas" are not compatible.'

        if external_id_contains is not None:
                "external_id_contains is deprecated, use external_id_strictly_in instead",

        for arg_name, arg_value in zip(
            if arg_value:
                    f"'{arg_name}' is deprecated, please use"
                    f" '{arg_name.replace('_gt', '_gte').replace('_lt', '_lte')}' instead.",

        disable_tqdm = disable_tqdm_if_as_generator(as_generator, disable_tqdm)

        asset_use_cases = AssetUseCases(self.kili_api_gateway)
        filters = AssetFilters(
            asset_id=AssetId(asset_id) if asset_id else None,
            asset_id_in=cast(List[AssetId], asset_id_in) if asset_id_in else None,
            asset_id_not_in=cast(List[AssetId], asset_id_not_in) if asset_id_not_in else None,
            consensus_mark_gte=consensus_mark_gt or consensus_mark_gte,
            consensus_mark_lte=consensus_mark_lt or consensus_mark_lte,
                cast(List[AssetExternalId], external_id_strictly_in or external_id_contains)
                if external_id_strictly_in or external_id_contains
                else None
            external_id_in=cast(List[AssetExternalId], external_id_in) if external_id_in else None,
            honeypot_mark_gte=honeypot_mark_gt or honeypot_mark_gte,
            honeypot_mark_lte=honeypot_mark_lt or honeypot_mark_lte,
            label_consensus_mark_gte=label_consensus_mark_gt or label_consensus_mark_gte,
            label_consensus_mark_lte=label_consensus_mark_lt or label_consensus_mark_lte,
            label_created_at_gte=label_created_at_gt or label_created_at_gte,
            label_created_at_lte=label_created_at_lt or label_created_at_lte,
            label_honeypot_mark_gte=label_honeypot_mark_gt or label_honeypot_mark_gte,
            label_honeypot_mark_lte=label_honeypot_mark_lt or label_honeypot_mark_lte,
        assets_gen = asset_use_cases.list_assets(
            options=QueryOptions(disable_tqdm=disable_tqdm, first=first, skip=skip),

        if format == "pandas":
            import pandas as pd  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

            return pd.DataFrame(list(assets_gen))

        if as_generator:
            return assets_gen
        return list(assets_gen)

    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
    def count_assets(
        project_id: str,
        asset_id: Optional[str] = None,
        asset_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        asset_id_not_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        external_id_contains: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        metadata_where: Optional[dict] = None,
        status_in: Optional[List[AssetStatus]] = None,
        consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_type_in: Optional[List[LabelType]] = None,
        label_author_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_created_at: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_gt: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_lt: Optional[str] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
        skipped: Optional[bool] = None,
        updated_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        updated_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_category_search: Optional[str] = None,
        created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        inference_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        inference_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_labeler_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_labeler_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_reviewer_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_reviewer_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        assignee_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        assignee_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
        label_honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
        issue_type: Optional[IssueType] = None,
        issue_status: Optional[IssueStatus] = None,
        external_id_strictly_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        external_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    ) -> int:
        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        """Count and return the number of assets with the given constraints.

        Parameters beginning with 'label_' apply to labels, others apply to assets.

            project_id: Identifier of the project
            asset_id: The unique id of the asset to retrieve.
            asset_id_in: A list of the ids of the assets to retrieve.
            asset_id_not_in: A list of the ids of the assets to exclude.
            external_id_contains: Deprecated. Use `external_id_strictly_in` instead.
            metadata_where: Filters by the values of the metadata of the asset.
            status_in: Returned assets should have a status that belongs to that list, if given. Possible choices: `TODO`, `ONGOING`, `LABELED`, `TO_REVIEW` or `REVIEWED`.
            consensus_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `consensus_mark_gte` instead.
            consensus_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `consensus_mark_lte` instead.
            honeypot_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `honeypot_mark_gte` instead.
            honeypot_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `honeypot_mark_lte` instead.
            label_type_in: Returned assets should have a label whose type belongs to that list, if given.
            label_author_in: Returned assets should have a label whose author belongs to that list, if given. An author can be designated by the first name, the last name, or the first name + last name.
            label_consensus_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_consensus_mark_gte` instead.
            label_consensus_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_consensus_mark_lte` instead.
            label_created_at: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is equal to this date.
            label_created_at_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_created_at_gte` instead.
            label_created_at_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_created_at_lte` instead.
            label_honeypot_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_honeypot_mark_gte` instead.
            label_honeypot_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_honeypot_mark_lte` instead.
            skipped: Returned assets should be skipped.
            updated_at_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose update date is greated or equal to this date.
            updated_at_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose update date is lower or equal to this date.
            label_category_search: Returned assets should have a label that follows this category search query.
            created_at_gte: Returned assets should have their import date greater or equal to this date.
            created_at_lte: Returned assets should have their import date lower or equal to this date.
            honeypot_mark_lte: Maximum amount of honeypot for the asset.
            honeypot_mark_gte: Minimum amount of honeypot for the asset.
            consensus_mark_lte: Maximum amount of consensus for the asset.
            consensus_mark_gte: Minimum amount of consensus for the asset.
            inference_mark_gte: Minimum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.
            inference_mark_lte: Maximum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.
            label_labeler_in: Returned assets should have a label whose labeler belongs to that list, if given.
            label_labeler_not_in: Returned assets should have a label whose labeler does not belong to that list, if given.
            label_reviewer_in: Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer belongs to that list, if given.
            label_reviewer_not_in: Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer does not belong to that list, if given.
            assignee_in: Returned assets should have an assigned user that belongs to that list, if given.
            assignee_not_in: Returned assets should have an assigned user that does not belong to that list, if given.
            label_consensus_mark_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is greater or equal to this number.
            label_consensus_mark_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is lower or equal to this number.
            label_created_at_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is lower or equal to this date.
            label_created_at_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is greater or equal to this date.
            label_honeypot_mark_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is greater or equal to this number.
            label_honeypot_mark_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is lower or equal to this number.
            issue_type: Returned assets should have issues of type `QUESTION` or `ISSUE`.
            issue_status: Returned assets should have issues of status `OPEN` or `SOLVED`.
            external_id_strictly_in: Returned assets should have external ids that match exactly the ones in the list.
            external_id_in: Returned assets should have external ids that partially match the ones in the list.
                For example, with `external_id_in=['abc']`, any asset with an external id containing `'abc'` will be returned.

        !!! info "Dates format"
            Date strings should have format: "YYYY-MM-DD"

            The number of assets that match the given constraints.

            >>> kili.count_assets(project_id=project_id)
            >>> kili.count_assets(asset_id=asset_id)

        !!! example "How to filter based on Metadata"
            - `metadata_where = {key1: "value1"}` to filter on assets whose metadata
                have key "key1" with value "value1"
            - `metadata_where = {key1: ["value1", "value2"]}` to filter on assets whose metadata
                have key "key1" with value "value1" or value "value2
            - `metadata_where = {key2: [2, 10]}` to filter on assets whose metadata
                have key "key2" with a value between 2 and 10.
        if external_id_contains is not None:
                "external_id_contains is deprecated, use external_id_strictly_in instead",

        for arg_name, arg_value in zip(
            if arg_value:
                    f"'{arg_name}' is deprecated, please use"
                    f" '{arg_name.replace('_gt', '_gte').replace('_lt', '_lte')}' instead.",

        filters = AssetFilters(
            asset_id=AssetId(asset_id) if asset_id else None,
            asset_id_in=cast(List[AssetId], asset_id_in) if asset_id_in else None,
            asset_id_not_in=cast(List[AssetId], asset_id_not_in) if asset_id_not_in else None,
            consensus_mark_gte=consensus_mark_gt or consensus_mark_gte,
            consensus_mark_lte=consensus_mark_lt or consensus_mark_lte,
                cast(List[AssetExternalId], external_id_strictly_in or external_id_contains)
                if external_id_strictly_in or external_id_contains
                else None
            external_id_in=cast(List[AssetExternalId], external_id_in) if external_id_in else None,
            honeypot_mark_gte=honeypot_mark_gt or honeypot_mark_gte,
            honeypot_mark_lte=honeypot_mark_lt or honeypot_mark_lte,
            label_consensus_mark_gte=label_consensus_mark_gt or label_consensus_mark_gte,
            label_consensus_mark_lte=label_consensus_mark_lt or label_consensus_mark_lte,
            label_created_at_gte=label_created_at_gt or label_created_at_gte,
            label_created_at_lte=label_created_at_lt or label_created_at_lte,
            label_honeypot_mark_gte=label_honeypot_mark_gt or label_honeypot_mark_gte,
            label_honeypot_mark_lte=label_honeypot_mark_lt or label_honeypot_mark_lte,
        asset_use_cases = AssetUseCases(self.kili_api_gateway)
        return asset_use_cases.count_assets(filters)

assets(self, project_id, asset_id=None, skip=0, fields=('content', 'createdAt', 'externalId', 'id', 'isHoneypot', 'jsonMetadata', '', '', 'labels.createdAt', '', 'labels.jsonResponse', 'skipped', 'status'), asset_id_in=None, asset_id_not_in=None, consensus_mark_gt=None, consensus_mark_lt=None, disable_tqdm=None, external_id_contains=None, first=None, format=None, honeypot_mark_gt=None, honeypot_mark_lt=None, label_author_in=None, label_consensus_mark_gt=None, label_consensus_mark_lt=None, label_created_at=None, label_created_at_gt=None, label_created_at_lt=None, label_honeypot_mark_gt=None, label_honeypot_mark_lt=None, label_type_in=None, metadata_where=None, skipped=None, status_in=None, updated_at_gte=None, updated_at_lte=None, label_category_search=None, download_media=False, local_media_dir=None, created_at_gte=None, created_at_lte=None, honeypot_mark_gte=None, honeypot_mark_lte=None, consensus_mark_gte=None, consensus_mark_lte=None, inference_mark_gte=None, inference_mark_lte=None, label_labeler_in=None, label_labeler_not_in=None, label_reviewer_in=None, label_reviewer_not_in=None, assignee_in=None, assignee_not_in=None, label_consensus_mark_gte=None, label_consensus_mark_lte=None, label_created_at_gte=None, label_created_at_lte=None, label_honeypot_mark_gte=None, label_honeypot_mark_lte=None, issue_type=None, issue_status=None, external_id_strictly_in=None, external_id_in=None, label_output_format='dict', *, as_generator=False)

Get an asset list, an asset generator or a pandas DataFrame that match a set of constraints.


Name Type Description Default
project_id str

Identifier of the project.

asset_id Optional[str]

Identifier of the asset to retrieve.

asset_id_in Optional[List[str]]

A list of the IDs of the assets to retrieve.

asset_id_not_in Optional[List[str]]

A list of the IDs of the assets to exclude.

skip int

Number of assets to skip (they are ordered by their date of creation, first to last).

fields Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

All the fields to request among the possible fields for the assets. See the documentation for all possible fields.

('content', 'createdAt', 'externalId', 'id', 'isHoneypot', 'jsonMetadata', '', '', 'labels.createdAt', '', 'labels.jsonResponse', 'skipped', 'status')
first Optional[int]

Maximum number of assets to return.

consensus_mark_gt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use consensus_mark_gte instead.

consensus_mark_lt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use consensus_mark_lte instead.

external_id_contains Optional[List[str]]

Deprecated. Use external_id_strictly_in instead.

metadata_where Optional[dict]

Filters by the values of the metadata of the asset.

honeypot_mark_gt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use honeypot_mark_gte instead.

honeypot_mark_lt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use honeypot_mark_lte instead.

status_in Optional[List[Literal['TODO', 'ONGOING', 'LABELED', 'REVIEWED', 'TO_REVIEW']]]

Returned assets should have a status that belongs to that list, if given. Possible choices: TODO, ONGOING, LABELED, TO_REVIEW or REVIEWED.

label_type_in Optional[List[Literal['AUTOSAVE', 'DEFAULT', 'INFERENCE', 'PREDICTION', 'REVIEW']]]

Returned assets should have a label whose type belongs to that list, if given.

label_author_in Optional[List[str]]

Returned assets should have a label whose author belongs to that list, if given. An author can be designated by the first name, the last name, or the first name + last name.

label_consensus_mark_gt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use label_consensus_mark_gte instead.

label_consensus_mark_lt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use label_consensus_mark_lte instead.

label_created_at Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is equal to this date.

label_created_at_gt Optional[str]

Deprecated. Use label_created_at_gte instead.

label_created_at_lt Optional[str]

Deprecated. Use label_created_at_lte instead.

label_honeypot_mark_gt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use label_honeypot_mark_gte instead.

label_honeypot_mark_lt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use label_honeypot_mark_lte instead.

skipped Optional[bool]

Returned assets should be skipped

updated_at_gte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label whose update date is greater or equal to this date.

updated_at_lte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label whose update date is lower or equal to this date.

format Optional[str]

If equal to 'pandas', returns a pandas DataFrame

disable_tqdm Optional[bool]

If True, the progress bar will be disabled

as_generator bool

If True, a generator on the assets is returned.

label_category_search Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label that follows this category search query.

download_media bool

Tell is the media have to be downloaded or not.

local_media_dir Optional[str]

Directory where the media are downloaded if download_media is True.

created_at_gte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have their import date greater or equal to this date.

created_at_lte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have their import date lower or equal to this date.

honeypot_mark_lte Optional[float]

Maximum amount of honeypot for the asset.

honeypot_mark_gte Optional[float]

Minimum amount of honeypot for the asset.

consensus_mark_lte Optional[float]

Maximum amount of consensus for the asset.

consensus_mark_gte Optional[float]

Minimum amount of consensus for the asset.

inference_mark_gte Optional[float]

Minimum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.

inference_mark_lte Optional[float]

Maximum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.

label_labeler_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have a label whose labeler belongs to that list, if given.

label_labeler_not_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have a label whose labeler does not belong to that list, if given.

label_reviewer_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer belongs to that list, if given.

label_reviewer_not_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer does not belong to that list, if given.

assignee_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have an assigned user that belongs to that list, if given.

assignee_not_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have an assigned user that does not belong to that list, if given.

label_consensus_mark_gte Optional[float]

Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is greater or equal to this number.

label_consensus_mark_lte Optional[float]

Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is lower or equal to this number.

label_created_at_lte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is lower or equal to this date.

label_created_at_gte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is greater or equal to this date.

label_honeypot_mark_gte Optional[float]

Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is greater or equal to this number.

label_honeypot_mark_lte Optional[float]

Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is lower or equal to this number.

issue_type Optional[Literal['QUESTION', 'ISSUE']]

Returned assets should have issues of type QUESTION or ISSUE.

issue_status Optional[Literal['OPEN', 'SOLVED']]

Returned assets should have issues of status OPEN or SOLVED.

external_id_strictly_in Optional[List[str]]

Returned assets should have external ids that match exactly the ones in the list.

external_id_in Optional[List[str]]

Returned assets should have external ids that partially match the ones in the list. For example, with external_id_in=['abc'], any asset with an external id containing 'abc' will be returned.

label_output_format Literal['dict', 'parsed_label']

If parsed_label, the labels in the assets will be parsed. More information on parsed labels in the documentation.


Dates format

Date strings should have format: "YYYY-MM-DD"

Filtering by label properties

When the assets are filtered by label properties using any of label_* filter arguments, as soon as one label matches all the label property criteria, the asset is kept and returned by the method. If any of the labels.* or latestLabel.* subfields are queried, all the labels of the kept assets are returned together with the assets (and not only the ones matching the criteria)


Type Description
Union[Iterable[Dict], pd.DataFrame]

An asset list, an asset generator or a pandas DataFrame that match a set of constraints.


# returns the assets list of the project
>>> kili.assets(project_id)
>>> kili.assets(project_id, asset_id=asset_id)
# returns a generator of the project assets
>>> kili.assets(project_id, as_generator=True)

How to filter based on Metadata

  • metadata_where = {key1: "value1"} to filter on assets whose metadata have key "key1" with value "value1"
  • metadata_where = {key1: ["value1", "value2"]} to filter on assets whose metadata have key "key1" with value "value1" or value "value2
  • metadata_where = {key2: [2, 10]} to filter on assets whose metadata have key "key2" with a value between 2 and 10.

How to filter based on label categories

The search query is composed of logical expressions following this format:

[job_name].[category_name].count [comparaison_operator] [value]


  • [job_name] is the name of the job in the interface
  • [category_name] is the name of the category in the interface for this job
  • [comparaison_operator] can be one of: [==, >=, <=, <, >]
  • [value] is an integer that represents the count of such objects of the given category in the label

These operations can be separated by OR and AND operators:

label_category_search = `JOB_CLASSIF.CATEGORY_A.count > 0`
label_category_search = `JOB_CLASSIF.CATEGORY_A.count > 0 OR JOB_NER.CATEGORY_B.count > 0`
label_category_search = `(JOB_CLASSIF.CATEGORY_A.count == 1 OR JOB_NER.CATEGORY_B.count > 0) AND JOB_BBOX.CATEGORY_C.count > 10`

Source code in kili/presentation/client/
def assets(
    project_id: str,
    asset_id: Optional[str] = None,
    skip: int = 0,
    fields: ListOrTuple[str] = (
    asset_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    asset_id_not_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
    consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
    disable_tqdm: Optional[bool] = None,
    external_id_contains: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    first: Optional[int] = None,
    format: Optional[str] = None,
    honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
    honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
    label_author_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    label_consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
    label_consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
    label_created_at: Optional[str] = None,
    label_created_at_gt: Optional[str] = None,
    label_created_at_lt: Optional[str] = None,
    label_honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
    label_honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
    label_type_in: Optional[List[LabelType]] = None,
    metadata_where: Optional[dict] = None,
    skipped: Optional[bool] = None,
    status_in: Optional[List[AssetStatus]] = None,
    updated_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
    updated_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
    label_category_search: Optional[str] = None,
    download_media: bool = False,
    local_media_dir: Optional[str] = None,
    created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
    created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
    honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
    honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
    consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
    consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
    inference_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
    inference_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
    label_labeler_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    label_labeler_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    label_reviewer_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    label_reviewer_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    assignee_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    assignee_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    label_consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
    label_consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
    label_created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
    label_created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
    label_honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
    label_honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
    issue_type: Optional[Literal["QUESTION", "ISSUE"]] = None,
    issue_status: Optional[Literal["OPEN", "SOLVED"]] = None,
    external_id_strictly_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    external_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    label_output_format: Literal["dict", "parsed_label"] = "dict",
    as_generator: bool = False,
) -> Union[Iterable[Dict], "pd.DataFrame"]:
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    """Get an asset list, an asset generator or a pandas DataFrame that match a set of constraints.

        project_id: Identifier of the project.
        asset_id: Identifier of the asset to retrieve.
        asset_id_in: A list of the IDs of the assets to retrieve.
        asset_id_not_in: A list of the IDs of the assets to exclude.
        skip: Number of assets to skip (they are ordered by their date of creation, first to last).
        fields: All the fields to request among the possible fields for the assets.
                See [the documentation]( for all possible fields.
        first: Maximum number of assets to return.
        consensus_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `consensus_mark_gte` instead.
        consensus_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `consensus_mark_lte` instead.
        external_id_contains: Deprecated. Use `external_id_strictly_in` instead.
        metadata_where: Filters by the values of the metadata of the asset.
        honeypot_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `honeypot_mark_gte` instead.
        honeypot_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `honeypot_mark_lte` instead.
        status_in: Returned assets should have a status that belongs to that list, if given.
            Possible choices: `TODO`, `ONGOING`, `LABELED`, `TO_REVIEW` or `REVIEWED`.
        label_type_in: Returned assets should have a label whose type belongs to that list, if given.
        label_author_in: Returned assets should have a label whose author belongs to that list, if given. An author can be designated by the first name, the last name, or the first name + last name.
        label_consensus_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_consensus_mark_gte` instead.
        label_consensus_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_consensus_mark_lte` instead.
        label_created_at: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is equal to this date.
        label_created_at_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_created_at_gte` instead.
        label_created_at_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_created_at_lte` instead.
        label_honeypot_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_honeypot_mark_gte` instead.
        label_honeypot_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_honeypot_mark_lte` instead.
        skipped: Returned assets should be skipped
        updated_at_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose update date is greater or equal to this date.
        updated_at_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose update date is lower or equal to this date.
        format: If equal to 'pandas', returns a pandas DataFrame
        disable_tqdm: If `True`, the progress bar will be disabled
        as_generator: If `True`, a generator on the assets is returned.
        label_category_search: Returned assets should have a label that follows this category search query.
        download_media: Tell is the media have to be downloaded or not.
        local_media_dir: Directory where the media are downloaded if `download_media` is True.
        created_at_gte: Returned assets should have their import date greater or equal to this date.
        created_at_lte: Returned assets should have their import date lower or equal to this date.
        honeypot_mark_lte: Maximum amount of honeypot for the asset.
        honeypot_mark_gte: Minimum amount of honeypot for the asset.
        consensus_mark_lte: Maximum amount of consensus for the asset.
        consensus_mark_gte: Minimum amount of consensus for the asset.
        inference_mark_gte: Minimum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.
        inference_mark_lte: Maximum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.
        label_labeler_in: Returned assets should have a label whose labeler belongs to that list, if given.
        label_labeler_not_in: Returned assets should have a label whose labeler does not belong to that list, if given.
        label_reviewer_in: Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer belongs to that list, if given.
        label_reviewer_not_in: Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer does not belong to that list, if given.
        assignee_in: Returned assets should have an assigned user that belongs to that list, if given.
        assignee_not_in: Returned assets should have an assigned user that does not belong to that list, if given.
        label_consensus_mark_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is greater or equal to this number.
        label_consensus_mark_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is lower or equal to this number.
        label_created_at_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is lower or equal to this date.
        label_created_at_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is greater or equal to this date.
        label_honeypot_mark_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is greater or equal to this number.
        label_honeypot_mark_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is lower or equal to this number.
        issue_type: Returned assets should have issues of type `QUESTION` or `ISSUE`.
        issue_status: Returned assets should have issues of status `OPEN` or `SOLVED`.
        external_id_strictly_in: Returned assets should have external ids that match exactly the ones in the list.
        external_id_in: Returned assets should have external ids that partially match the ones in the list.
            For example, with `external_id_in=['abc']`, any asset with an external id containing `'abc'` will be returned.
        label_output_format: If `parsed_label`, the labels in the assets will be parsed. More information on parsed labels in the [documentation](

    !!! info "Dates format"
        Date strings should have format: "YYYY-MM-DD"

    !!! info "Filtering by label properties"
        When the assets are filtered by label properties using any of `label_*` filter arguments, as soon as **one**
        label matches **all** the label property criteria, the asset is kept and returned by the method. If any of the
        `labels.*` or `latestLabel.*` subfields are queried, **all** the labels of the kept assets are returned together
        with the assets (and not only the ones matching the criteria)

        An asset list, an asset generator or a pandas DataFrame that match a set of constraints.

        # returns the assets list of the project
        >>> kili.assets(project_id)
        >>> kili.assets(project_id, asset_id=asset_id)
        # returns a generator of the project assets
        >>> kili.assets(project_id, as_generator=True)

    !!! example "How to filter based on Metadata"
        - `metadata_where = {key1: "value1"}` to filter on assets whose metadata
            have key "key1" with value "value1"
        - `metadata_where = {key1: ["value1", "value2"]}` to filter on assets whose metadata
            have key "key1" with value "value1" or value "value2
        - `metadata_where = {key2: [2, 10]}` to filter on assets whose metadata
            have key "key2" with a value between 2 and 10.

    !!! example "How to filter based on label categories"
        The search query is composed of logical expressions following this format:

            [job_name].[category_name].count [comparaison_operator] [value]

        - `[job_name]` is the name of the job in the interface
        - `[category_name]` is the name of the category in the interface for this job
        - `[comparaison_operator]` can be one of: [`==`, `>=`, `<=`, `<`, `>`]
        - `[value]` is an integer that represents the count of such objects of the given category in the label

        These operations can be separated by OR and AND operators:
            label_category_search = `JOB_CLASSIF.CATEGORY_A.count > 0`
            label_category_search = `JOB_CLASSIF.CATEGORY_A.count > 0 OR JOB_NER.CATEGORY_B.count > 0`
            label_category_search = `(JOB_CLASSIF.CATEGORY_A.count == 1 OR JOB_NER.CATEGORY_B.count > 0) AND JOB_BBOX.CATEGORY_C.count > 10`
    if format == "pandas" and as_generator:
        raise ValueError(
            'Argument values as_generator==True and format=="pandas" are not compatible.'

    if external_id_contains is not None:
            "external_id_contains is deprecated, use external_id_strictly_in instead",

    for arg_name, arg_value in zip(
        if arg_value:
                f"'{arg_name}' is deprecated, please use"
                f" '{arg_name.replace('_gt', '_gte').replace('_lt', '_lte')}' instead.",

    disable_tqdm = disable_tqdm_if_as_generator(as_generator, disable_tqdm)

    asset_use_cases = AssetUseCases(self.kili_api_gateway)
    filters = AssetFilters(
        asset_id=AssetId(asset_id) if asset_id else None,
        asset_id_in=cast(List[AssetId], asset_id_in) if asset_id_in else None,
        asset_id_not_in=cast(List[AssetId], asset_id_not_in) if asset_id_not_in else None,
        consensus_mark_gte=consensus_mark_gt or consensus_mark_gte,
        consensus_mark_lte=consensus_mark_lt or consensus_mark_lte,
            cast(List[AssetExternalId], external_id_strictly_in or external_id_contains)
            if external_id_strictly_in or external_id_contains
            else None
        external_id_in=cast(List[AssetExternalId], external_id_in) if external_id_in else None,
        honeypot_mark_gte=honeypot_mark_gt or honeypot_mark_gte,
        honeypot_mark_lte=honeypot_mark_lt or honeypot_mark_lte,
        label_consensus_mark_gte=label_consensus_mark_gt or label_consensus_mark_gte,
        label_consensus_mark_lte=label_consensus_mark_lt or label_consensus_mark_lte,
        label_created_at_gte=label_created_at_gt or label_created_at_gte,
        label_created_at_lte=label_created_at_lt or label_created_at_lte,
        label_honeypot_mark_gte=label_honeypot_mark_gt or label_honeypot_mark_gte,
        label_honeypot_mark_lte=label_honeypot_mark_lt or label_honeypot_mark_lte,
    assets_gen = asset_use_cases.list_assets(
        options=QueryOptions(disable_tqdm=disable_tqdm, first=first, skip=skip),

    if format == "pandas":
        import pandas as pd  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

        return pd.DataFrame(list(assets_gen))

    if as_generator:
        return assets_gen
    return list(assets_gen)

count_assets(self, project_id, asset_id=None, asset_id_in=None, asset_id_not_in=None, external_id_contains=None, metadata_where=None, status_in=None, consensus_mark_gt=None, consensus_mark_lt=None, honeypot_mark_gt=None, honeypot_mark_lt=None, label_type_in=None, label_author_in=None, label_consensus_mark_gt=None, label_consensus_mark_lt=None, label_created_at=None, label_created_at_gt=None, label_created_at_lt=None, label_honeypot_mark_gt=None, label_honeypot_mark_lt=None, skipped=None, updated_at_gte=None, updated_at_lte=None, label_category_search=None, created_at_gte=None, created_at_lte=None, honeypot_mark_gte=None, honeypot_mark_lte=None, consensus_mark_gte=None, consensus_mark_lte=None, inference_mark_gte=None, inference_mark_lte=None, label_labeler_in=None, label_labeler_not_in=None, label_reviewer_in=None, label_reviewer_not_in=None, assignee_in=None, assignee_not_in=None, label_consensus_mark_gte=None, label_consensus_mark_lte=None, label_created_at_gte=None, label_created_at_lte=None, label_honeypot_mark_gte=None, label_honeypot_mark_lte=None, issue_type=None, issue_status=None, external_id_strictly_in=None, external_id_in=None)

Count and return the number of assets with the given constraints.

Parameters beginning with 'label_' apply to labels, others apply to assets.


Name Type Description Default
project_id str

Identifier of the project

asset_id Optional[str]

The unique id of the asset to retrieve.

asset_id_in Optional[List[str]]

A list of the ids of the assets to retrieve.

asset_id_not_in Optional[List[str]]

A list of the ids of the assets to exclude.

external_id_contains Optional[List[str]]

Deprecated. Use external_id_strictly_in instead.

metadata_where Optional[dict]

Filters by the values of the metadata of the asset.

status_in Optional[List[Literal['TODO', 'ONGOING', 'LABELED', 'REVIEWED', 'TO_REVIEW']]]

Returned assets should have a status that belongs to that list, if given. Possible choices: TODO, ONGOING, LABELED, TO_REVIEW or REVIEWED.

consensus_mark_gt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use consensus_mark_gte instead.

consensus_mark_lt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use consensus_mark_lte instead.

honeypot_mark_gt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use honeypot_mark_gte instead.

honeypot_mark_lt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use honeypot_mark_lte instead.

label_type_in Optional[List[Literal['AUTOSAVE', 'DEFAULT', 'INFERENCE', 'PREDICTION', 'REVIEW']]]

Returned assets should have a label whose type belongs to that list, if given.

label_author_in Optional[List[str]]

Returned assets should have a label whose author belongs to that list, if given. An author can be designated by the first name, the last name, or the first name + last name.

label_consensus_mark_gt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use label_consensus_mark_gte instead.

label_consensus_mark_lt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use label_consensus_mark_lte instead.

label_created_at Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is equal to this date.

label_created_at_gt Optional[str]

Deprecated. Use label_created_at_gte instead.

label_created_at_lt Optional[str]

Deprecated. Use label_created_at_lte instead.

label_honeypot_mark_gt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use label_honeypot_mark_gte instead.

label_honeypot_mark_lt Optional[float]

Deprecated. Use label_honeypot_mark_lte instead.

skipped Optional[bool]

Returned assets should be skipped.

updated_at_gte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label whose update date is greated or equal to this date.

updated_at_lte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label whose update date is lower or equal to this date.

label_category_search Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label that follows this category search query.

created_at_gte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have their import date greater or equal to this date.

created_at_lte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have their import date lower or equal to this date.

honeypot_mark_lte Optional[float]

Maximum amount of honeypot for the asset.

honeypot_mark_gte Optional[float]

Minimum amount of honeypot for the asset.

consensus_mark_lte Optional[float]

Maximum amount of consensus for the asset.

consensus_mark_gte Optional[float]

Minimum amount of consensus for the asset.

inference_mark_gte Optional[float]

Minimum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.

inference_mark_lte Optional[float]

Maximum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.

label_labeler_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have a label whose labeler belongs to that list, if given.

label_labeler_not_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have a label whose labeler does not belong to that list, if given.

label_reviewer_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer belongs to that list, if given.

label_reviewer_not_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer does not belong to that list, if given.

assignee_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have an assigned user that belongs to that list, if given.

assignee_not_in Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]

Returned assets should have an assigned user that does not belong to that list, if given.

label_consensus_mark_gte Optional[float]

Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is greater or equal to this number.

label_consensus_mark_lte Optional[float]

Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is lower or equal to this number.

label_created_at_lte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is lower or equal to this date.

label_created_at_gte Optional[str]

Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is greater or equal to this date.

label_honeypot_mark_gte Optional[float]

Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is greater or equal to this number.

label_honeypot_mark_lte Optional[float]

Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is lower or equal to this number.

issue_type Optional[Literal['ISSUE', 'QUESTION']]

Returned assets should have issues of type QUESTION or ISSUE.

issue_status Optional[Literal['OPEN', 'SOLVED']]

Returned assets should have issues of status OPEN or SOLVED.

external_id_strictly_in Optional[List[str]]

Returned assets should have external ids that match exactly the ones in the list.

external_id_in Optional[List[str]]

Returned assets should have external ids that partially match the ones in the list. For example, with external_id_in=['abc'], any asset with an external id containing 'abc' will be returned.


Dates format

Date strings should have format: "YYYY-MM-DD"


Type Description

The number of assets that match the given constraints.


>>> kili.count_assets(project_id=project_id)
>>> kili.count_assets(asset_id=asset_id)

How to filter based on Metadata

  • metadata_where = {key1: "value1"} to filter on assets whose metadata have key "key1" with value "value1"
  • metadata_where = {key1: ["value1", "value2"]} to filter on assets whose metadata have key "key1" with value "value1" or value "value2
  • metadata_where = {key2: [2, 10]} to filter on assets whose metadata have key "key2" with a value between 2 and 10.
Source code in kili/presentation/client/
def count_assets(
    project_id: str,
    asset_id: Optional[str] = None,
    asset_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    asset_id_not_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    external_id_contains: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    metadata_where: Optional[dict] = None,
    status_in: Optional[List[AssetStatus]] = None,
    consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
    consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
    honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
    honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
    label_type_in: Optional[List[LabelType]] = None,
    label_author_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    label_consensus_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
    label_consensus_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
    label_created_at: Optional[str] = None,
    label_created_at_gt: Optional[str] = None,
    label_created_at_lt: Optional[str] = None,
    label_honeypot_mark_gt: Optional[float] = None,
    label_honeypot_mark_lt: Optional[float] = None,
    skipped: Optional[bool] = None,
    updated_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
    updated_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
    label_category_search: Optional[str] = None,
    created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
    created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
    honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
    honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
    consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
    consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
    inference_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
    inference_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
    label_labeler_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    label_labeler_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    label_reviewer_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    label_reviewer_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    assignee_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    assignee_not_in: Optional[ListOrTuple[str]] = None,
    label_consensus_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
    label_consensus_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
    label_created_at_gte: Optional[str] = None,
    label_created_at_lte: Optional[str] = None,
    label_honeypot_mark_gte: Optional[float] = None,
    label_honeypot_mark_lte: Optional[float] = None,
    issue_type: Optional[IssueType] = None,
    issue_status: Optional[IssueStatus] = None,
    external_id_strictly_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    external_id_in: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> int:
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    """Count and return the number of assets with the given constraints.

    Parameters beginning with 'label_' apply to labels, others apply to assets.

        project_id: Identifier of the project
        asset_id: The unique id of the asset to retrieve.
        asset_id_in: A list of the ids of the assets to retrieve.
        asset_id_not_in: A list of the ids of the assets to exclude.
        external_id_contains: Deprecated. Use `external_id_strictly_in` instead.
        metadata_where: Filters by the values of the metadata of the asset.
        status_in: Returned assets should have a status that belongs to that list, if given. Possible choices: `TODO`, `ONGOING`, `LABELED`, `TO_REVIEW` or `REVIEWED`.
        consensus_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `consensus_mark_gte` instead.
        consensus_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `consensus_mark_lte` instead.
        honeypot_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `honeypot_mark_gte` instead.
        honeypot_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `honeypot_mark_lte` instead.
        label_type_in: Returned assets should have a label whose type belongs to that list, if given.
        label_author_in: Returned assets should have a label whose author belongs to that list, if given. An author can be designated by the first name, the last name, or the first name + last name.
        label_consensus_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_consensus_mark_gte` instead.
        label_consensus_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_consensus_mark_lte` instead.
        label_created_at: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is equal to this date.
        label_created_at_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_created_at_gte` instead.
        label_created_at_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_created_at_lte` instead.
        label_honeypot_mark_gt: Deprecated. Use `label_honeypot_mark_gte` instead.
        label_honeypot_mark_lt: Deprecated. Use `label_honeypot_mark_lte` instead.
        skipped: Returned assets should be skipped.
        updated_at_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose update date is greated or equal to this date.
        updated_at_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose update date is lower or equal to this date.
        label_category_search: Returned assets should have a label that follows this category search query.
        created_at_gte: Returned assets should have their import date greater or equal to this date.
        created_at_lte: Returned assets should have their import date lower or equal to this date.
        honeypot_mark_lte: Maximum amount of honeypot for the asset.
        honeypot_mark_gte: Minimum amount of honeypot for the asset.
        consensus_mark_lte: Maximum amount of consensus for the asset.
        consensus_mark_gte: Minimum amount of consensus for the asset.
        inference_mark_gte: Minimum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.
        inference_mark_lte: Maximum amount of human/model IoU for the asset.
        label_labeler_in: Returned assets should have a label whose labeler belongs to that list, if given.
        label_labeler_not_in: Returned assets should have a label whose labeler does not belong to that list, if given.
        label_reviewer_in: Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer belongs to that list, if given.
        label_reviewer_not_in: Returned assets should have a label whose reviewer does not belong to that list, if given.
        assignee_in: Returned assets should have an assigned user that belongs to that list, if given.
        assignee_not_in: Returned assets should have an assigned user that does not belong to that list, if given.
        label_consensus_mark_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is greater or equal to this number.
        label_consensus_mark_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose consensus is lower or equal to this number.
        label_created_at_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is lower or equal to this date.
        label_created_at_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose creation date is greater or equal to this date.
        label_honeypot_mark_gte: Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is greater or equal to this number.
        label_honeypot_mark_lte: Returned assets should have a label whose honeypot is lower or equal to this number.
        issue_type: Returned assets should have issues of type `QUESTION` or `ISSUE`.
        issue_status: Returned assets should have issues of status `OPEN` or `SOLVED`.
        external_id_strictly_in: Returned assets should have external ids that match exactly the ones in the list.
        external_id_in: Returned assets should have external ids that partially match the ones in the list.
            For example, with `external_id_in=['abc']`, any asset with an external id containing `'abc'` will be returned.

    !!! info "Dates format"
        Date strings should have format: "YYYY-MM-DD"

        The number of assets that match the given constraints.

        >>> kili.count_assets(project_id=project_id)
        >>> kili.count_assets(asset_id=asset_id)

    !!! example "How to filter based on Metadata"
        - `metadata_where = {key1: "value1"}` to filter on assets whose metadata
            have key "key1" with value "value1"
        - `metadata_where = {key1: ["value1", "value2"]}` to filter on assets whose metadata
            have key "key1" with value "value1" or value "value2
        - `metadata_where = {key2: [2, 10]}` to filter on assets whose metadata
            have key "key2" with a value between 2 and 10.
    if external_id_contains is not None:
            "external_id_contains is deprecated, use external_id_strictly_in instead",

    for arg_name, arg_value in zip(
        if arg_value:
                f"'{arg_name}' is deprecated, please use"
                f" '{arg_name.replace('_gt', '_gte').replace('_lt', '_lte')}' instead.",

    filters = AssetFilters(
        asset_id=AssetId(asset_id) if asset_id else None,
        asset_id_in=cast(List[AssetId], asset_id_in) if asset_id_in else None,
        asset_id_not_in=cast(List[AssetId], asset_id_not_in) if asset_id_not_in else None,
        consensus_mark_gte=consensus_mark_gt or consensus_mark_gte,
        consensus_mark_lte=consensus_mark_lt or consensus_mark_lte,
            cast(List[AssetExternalId], external_id_strictly_in or external_id_contains)
            if external_id_strictly_in or external_id_contains
            else None
        external_id_in=cast(List[AssetExternalId], external_id_in) if external_id_in else None,
        honeypot_mark_gte=honeypot_mark_gt or honeypot_mark_gte,
        honeypot_mark_lte=honeypot_mark_lt or honeypot_mark_lte,
        label_consensus_mark_gte=label_consensus_mark_gt or label_consensus_mark_gte,
        label_consensus_mark_lte=label_consensus_mark_lt or label_consensus_mark_lte,
        label_created_at_gte=label_created_at_gt or label_created_at_gte,
        label_created_at_lte=label_created_at_lt or label_created_at_lte,
        label_honeypot_mark_gte=label_honeypot_mark_gt or label_honeypot_mark_gte,
        label_honeypot_mark_lte=label_honeypot_mark_lt or label_honeypot_mark_lte,
    asset_use_cases = AssetUseCases(self.kili_api_gateway)
    return asset_use_cases.count_assets(filters)

Set of Asset mutations.

Source code in kili/entrypoints/mutations/asset/
class MutationsAsset(BaseOperationEntrypointMixin):
    """Set of Asset mutations."""

    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
    def append_many_to_dataset(
        project_id: str,
        content_array: Optional[Union[List[str], List[dict], List[List[dict]]]] = None,
        multi_layer_content_array: Optional[List[List[dict]]] = None,
        external_id_array: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        id_array: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        is_honeypot_array: Optional[List[bool]] = None,
        status_array: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        json_content_array: Optional[List[Union[List[Union[dict, str]], None]]] = None,
        json_metadata_array: Optional[List[dict]] = None,
        disable_tqdm: Optional[bool] = None,
        wait_until_availability: bool = True,
        from_csv: Optional[str] = None,
        csv_separator: str = ",",
    ) -> Dict[Literal["id", "asset_ids"], Union[str, List[str]]]:
        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        """Append assets to a project.

            project_id: Identifier of the project
            content_array: List of elements added to the assets of the project
                Must not be None except if you provide multi_layer_content_array or json_content_array.

                - For a `TEXT` project, the content can be either raw text, or URLs to TEXT assets.
                - For an `IMAGE` / `PDF` project, the content can be either URLs or paths to existing
                    images/pdf on your computer.
                - For a VIDEO project, the content can be either URLs pointing to videos hosted on a web server or paths to
                existing video files on your computer. If you want to import video from frames, look at the json_content
                section below.
                - For an `VIDEO_LEGACY` project, the content can be only be URLs.
                - For an `LLM_RLHF` project, the content can be dicts with the keys `prompt` and `completions`,
                paths to local json files or URLs to json files.
            multi_layer_content_array: List containing multiple lists of paths.
                Each path correspond to a layer of a geosat asset. Should be used only for `IMAGE` projects.
            external_id_array: List of external ids given to identify the assets.
                If None, random identifiers are created.
            id_array: Disabled parameter. Do not use.
            is_honeypot_array:  Whether to use the asset for honeypot
            status_array: DEPRECATED and does not have any effect.
            json_content_array: Useful for `VIDEO` or `TEXT` or `IMAGE` projects only.

                - For `VIDEO` projects, each element is a sequence of frames, i.e. a
                    list of URLs to images or a list of paths to images.
                - For `TEXT` projects, each element is a json_content dict,
                    formatted according to documentation [on how to import
                rich-text assets](
                - For `IMAGES` projects, it is used for satellite imagery each element is a list of json_content dicts
                    formatted according to documentation [on how to add multi-layer images]

            json_metadata_array: The metadata given to each asset should be stored in a json like dict with keys.

                - Add metadata visible on the asset with the following keys: `imageUrl`, `text`, `url`.
                    Example for one asset: `json_metadata_array = [{'imageUrl': '','text': '','url': ''}]`.
                - For VIDEO projects (and not VIDEO_LEGACY), you can specify a value with key 'processingParameters' to specify the sampling rate (default: 30).
                    Example for one asset: `json_metadata_array = [{'processingParameters': {'framesPlayedPerSecond': 10}}]`.
                - In Image projects with geoTIFF assets, you can specify the epsg, the `minZoom` and `maxZoom` values for the `processingParameters` key.
                    - The epsg is a number that defines the projection that will be used for the asset. Values that can be used are either 4326 or 3857, the 2
                    projections that we support. If this number is not set, by default we keep the initial projection of the asset if it is 4326 or 3857, either
                    we reproject the asset to EPSG:3857 by default.
                    - The `minZoom` parameter defines the zoom level that users are not allowed to zoom out from. It also affects the zoom levels for which we
                    generate the tiles when tiling the asset (for asset with size > 30MB).
                    - The `maxZoom` value affects asset generation: the higher the value, the greater the level of details and the size of the asset. It also affects
                    the zoom levels for which we generate the tiles when tiling the asset (for asset with size > 30MB).
                    - Example for one asset: `json_metadata_array = [{'processingParameters': {'epsg': 3758, 'minZoom': 17, 'maxZoom': 19}}]`.
            disable_tqdm: If `True`, the progress bar will be disabled
            wait_until_availability: If `True`, the function will return once the assets are fully imported in Kili.
                If `False`, the function will return faster but the assets might not be fully processed by the server.
            from_csv: Path to a csv file containing the text assets to import.
                Only used for `TEXT` projects.
                If provided, `content_array` and `external_id_array` must be None.
                The csv file header must specify the columns `content` and `externalId`.
            csv_separator: Separator used in the csv file. Only used if `from_csv` is provided.

            A dictionary with two fields: `id` which is the project id and `asset_ids` which is a list of the created asset ids.
            In the case where assets are uploaded asynchronously (for video imported as frames or big images or tiff images), the method return an empty list of asset ids.

            >>> kili.append_many_to_dataset(

        !!! example "Recipe"
            - For more detailed examples on how to import assets,
                see [the recipe](
            - For more detailed examples on how to import text assets,
                see [the recipe](
        if from_csv is not None:
            if content_array is not None or external_id_array is not None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "If from_csv is provided, content_array and external_id_array must not be"
                    " provided."
            content_array, external_id_array = get_text_assets_from_csv(
                from_csv=from_csv, csv_separator=csv_separator

        if (
            is_empty_list_with_warning("append_many_to_dataset", "content_array", content_array)
            or is_empty_list_with_warning(
                "append_many_to_dataset", "json_content_array", json_content_array
            or is_empty_list_with_warning(
                "append_many_to_dataset", "multi_layer_content_array", multi_layer_content_array
            return {"id": project_id, "asset_ids": []}

        if status_array is not None:
                "status_array is deprecated and will not be sent in the call. Asset status is"
                " automatically computed based on its labels and cannot be overwritten.",

        if (
            content_array is None
            and multi_layer_content_array is None
            and json_content_array is None
            raise ValueError(
                "Variables content_array, multi_layer_content_array and json_content_array cannot be both None."

        if content_array is not None and multi_layer_content_array is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Variables content_array and multi_layer_content_array cannot be both provided."

        nb_data = (
            if content_array is not None
            else (
                if multi_layer_content_array is not None
                else len(json_content_array)  # type:ignore

        field_mapping = {
            "content": content_array,
            "multi_layer_content": multi_layer_content_array,
            "json_content": json_content_array,
            "external_id": external_id_array,
            "id": id_array,
            "json_metadata": json_metadata_array,
            "is_honeypot": is_honeypot_array,
        assets = [{}] * nb_data
        for key, value in field_mapping.items():
            if value is not None:
                assets = [{**assets[i], key: value[i]} for i in range(nb_data)]
        created_asset_ids = import_assets(
            self,  # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
        return {"id": project_id, "asset_ids": created_asset_ids}

    def update_properties_in_assets(
        asset_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        external_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        priorities: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        json_metadatas: Optional[List[Union[dict, str]]] = None,
        consensus_marks: Optional[List[float]] = None,
        honeypot_marks: Optional[List[float]] = None,
        to_be_labeled_by_array: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None,
        contents: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        json_contents: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        status_array: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        is_used_for_consensus_array: Optional[List[bool]] = None,
        is_honeypot_array: Optional[List[bool]] = None,
        project_id: Optional[str] = None,
        resolution_array: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
        page_resolutions_array: Optional[
            Union[List[List[dict]], List[List[PageResolution]]]
        ] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[Literal["id"], str]]:
        """Update the properties of one or more assets.

            asset_ids: The internal asset IDs to modify.
            external_ids: The external asset IDs to modify (if `asset_ids` is not already provided).
            priorities: You can change the priority of the assets.
                By default, all assets have a priority of 0.
            json_metadatas: The metadata given to an asset should be stored
                in a json like dict with keys `imageUrl`, `text`, `url`:
                `json_metadata = {'imageUrl': '','text': '','url': ''}`
            consensus_marks: Should be between 0 and 1.
            honeypot_marks: Should be between 0 and 1.
            to_be_labeled_by_array: If given, each element of the list should contain the emails of
                the labelers authorized to label the asset.
            contents: - For a NLP project, the content can be directly in text format.
                - For an Image / Video / Pdf project, the content must be hosted on a web server,
                and you point Kili to your data by giving the URLs.
            json_contents: - For a NLP project, the `json_content`
                is a text formatted using RichText.
                - For a Video project, the`json_content` is a json containg urls pointing
                    to each frame of the video.
            status_array: DEPRECATED and does not have any effect.
            is_used_for_consensus_array: Whether to use the asset to compute consensus kpis or not.
            is_honeypot_array: Whether to use the asset for honeypot.
            project_id: The project ID. Only required if `external_ids` argument is provided.
            resolution_array: The resolution of each asset (for image and video assets).
                Each resolution must be passed as a dictionary with keys `width` and `height`.
            page_resolutions_array: The resolution of each page of the asset (for PDF assets).
                Note that each element of the array should contain all the pages resolutions of the
                corresponding asset. Each resolution can be passed as a
                `kili.utils.assets.PageResolution` object, or as a dictionary with keys `width`,
                `height`, `pageNumber` and optionally `rotation`.

            A list of dictionaries with the asset ids.

            >>> kili.update_properties_in_assets(
                    asset_ids=["ckg22d81r0jrg0885unmuswj8", "ckg22d81s0jrh0885pdxfd03n"],
                    consensus_marks=[1, 0.7],
                    contents=[None, 'https://to/second/asset.png'],
                    honeypot_marks=[0.8, 0.5],
                    is_honeypot_array=[True, True],
                    is_used_for_consensus_array=[True, False],
                    priorities=[None, 2],
                    to_be_labeled_by_array=[[''], None],

                # The following call updates the pages resolutions of PDF assets.
            >>> kili.update_properties_in_assets(
                    asset_ids=["ckg22d81r0jrg0885unmuswj8", "ckg22d81s0jrh0885pdxfd03n"],
                            PageResolution(width=480, height=640, page_number=1),
                            PageResolution(width=480, height=640, page_number=2),
                            PageResolution(width=340, height=512, page_number=1),
                            PageResolution(width=680, height=1024, page_number=2, rotation=90),
                            PageResolution(width=680, height=1024, page_number=3),
        if is_empty_list_with_warning(
            "update_properties_in_assets", "asset_ids", asset_ids
        ) or is_empty_list_with_warning(
            "update_properties_in_assets", "external_ids", external_ids
            return []

        if status_array is not None:
                "status_array is deprecated and will not be sent in the call. Asset status is"
                " automatically computed based on its labels and cannot be overwritten.",
        if asset_ids is not None and external_ids is not None:
                "The use of `external_ids` argument has changed. It is now used to identify"
                " which properties of which assets to update. Please use"
                " `kili.change_asset_external_ids()` method instead to change asset external"
                " IDs.",
            raise MissingArgumentError("Please provide either `asset_ids` or `external_ids`.")

        resolved_asset_ids = self._resolve_asset_ids(asset_ids, external_ids, project_id)

        properties_to_batch = process_update_properties_in_assets_parameters(
            cast(List[str], resolved_asset_ids),

        def generate_variables(batch: Dict) -> Dict:
            asset_ids = batch.pop("assetId")
            data_array = [dict(zip(batch, t)) for t in zip(*batch.values())]  # type: ignore
            return {
                "whereArray": [{"id": asset_id} for asset_id in asset_ids],
                "dataArray": data_array,

        results = mutate_from_paginated_call(
        formated_results = [self.format_result("data", result, None) for result in results]
        return [item for batch_list in formated_results for item in batch_list]

    def change_asset_external_ids(
        new_external_ids: List[str],
        asset_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        external_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        project_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> List[Dict[Literal["id"], str]]:
        """Update the external IDs of one or more assets.

            new_external_ids: The new external IDs of the assets.
            asset_ids: The asset IDs to modify.
            external_ids: The external asset IDs to modify (if `asset_ids` is not already provided).
            project_id: The project ID. Only required if `external_ids` argument is provided.

            A list of dictionaries with the asset ids.

            >>> kili.change_asset_external_ids(
                    new_external_ids=["asset1", "asset2"],
                    asset_ids=["ckg22d81r0jrg0885unmuswj8", "ckg22d81s0jrh0885pdxfd03n"],
        if is_empty_list_with_warning(
            "change_asset_external_ids", "new_external_ids", new_external_ids
            return []

        resolved_asset_ids = self._resolve_asset_ids(asset_ids, external_ids, project_id)

        properties_to_batch = process_update_properties_in_assets_parameters(
            asset_ids=cast(List[str], resolved_asset_ids),

        def generate_variables(batch: Dict) -> Dict:
            asset_ids = batch.pop("assetId")
            data_array = [dict(zip(batch, t)) for t in zip(*batch.values())]  # type: ignore
            return {
                "whereArray": [{"id": asset_id} for asset_id in asset_ids],
                "dataArray": data_array,

        results = mutate_from_paginated_call(
        formated_results = [self.format_result("data", result, None) for result in results]
        return [item for batch_list in formated_results for item in batch_list]

    def delete_many_from_dataset(
        asset_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        external_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        project_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Optional[Dict[Literal["id"], str]]:
        """Delete assets from a project.

            asset_ids: The list of asset internal IDs to delete.
            external_ids: The list of asset external IDs to delete.
            project_id: The project ID. Only required if `external_ids` argument is provided.

            A dict object with the project `id`.
        if is_empty_list_with_warning(
            "delete_many_from_dataset", "asset_ids", asset_ids
        ) or is_empty_list_with_warning("delete_many_from_dataset", "external_ids", external_ids):
            return None

        resolved_asset_ids = self._resolve_asset_ids(asset_ids, external_ids, project_id)

        properties_to_batch = {"asset_ids": resolved_asset_ids}

        def generate_variables(batch):
            return {"where": {"idIn": batch["asset_ids"]}}

            wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=8),
        def verify_last_batch(last_batch: Dict, results: List) -> None:
            """Check that all assets in the last batch have been deleted."""
            if project_id is not None:
                project_id_ = project_id
            # in some case the results is [{'data': None}]
            elif isinstance(results[0]["data"], Dict) and results[0]["data"].get("id"):
                project_id_ = results[0]["data"].get("id")

            asset_ids = last_batch["asset_ids"][-1:]  # check last asset of the batch only

            nb_assets_in_kili = self.kili_api_gateway.count_assets(
            if nb_assets_in_kili > 0:
                raise MutationError("Failed to delete some assets.")

        results = mutate_from_paginated_call(
        return self.format_result("data", results[0])

    def add_to_review(
        asset_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        external_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        project_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Add assets to review.

        !!! warning
            Assets without any label will be ignored.

            asset_ids: The asset internal IDs to add to review.
            external_ids: The asset external IDs to add to review.
            project_id: The project ID. Only required if `external_ids` argument is provided.

            A dict object with the project `id` and the `asset_ids` of assets moved to review.
            `None` if no assets have changed status (already had `TO_REVIEW` status for example).
            An error message if mutation failed.

            >>> kili.add_to_review(
        if is_empty_list_with_warning(
            "add_to_review", "asset_ids", asset_ids
        ) or is_empty_list_with_warning("add_to_review", "external_ids", external_ids):
            return None

        resolved_asset_ids = self._resolve_asset_ids(asset_ids, external_ids, project_id)

        properties_to_batch = {"asset_ids": resolved_asset_ids}

        def generate_variables(batch):
            return {"where": {"idIn": batch["asset_ids"]}}

            wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=8),
        def verify_last_batch(last_batch: Dict, results: List) -> None:
            """Check that all assets in the last batch have been sent to review."""
            if project_id is not None:
                project_id_ = project_id
            # in some case the results is [{'data': None}]
            elif isinstance(results[0]["data"], Dict) and results[0]["data"].get("id"):
                project_id_ = results[0]["data"].get("id")

            asset_ids = last_batch["asset_ids"][-1:]  # check last asset of the batch only
            nb_assets_in_review = self.kili_api_gateway.count_assets(
            if len(asset_ids) != nb_assets_in_review:
                raise MutationError("Failed to send some assets to review")

        results = mutate_from_paginated_call(
        result = self.format_result("data", results[0])
        # unlike send_back_to_queue, the add_to_review mutation doesn't always return the project ID
        # it happens when no assets have been sent to review
        if isinstance(result, dict) and "id" in result:
            assets_in_review = self.kili_api_gateway.list_assets(
            result["asset_ids"] = [asset["id"] for asset in assets_in_review]
        return result

    def send_back_to_queue(
        asset_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        external_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        project_id: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Send assets back to queue.

            asset_ids: List of internal IDs of assets to send back to queue.
            external_ids: List of external IDs of assets to send back to queue.
            project_id: The project ID. Only required if `external_ids` argument is provided.

            A dict object with the project `id` and the `asset_ids` of assets moved to queue.
            An error message if mutation failed.

            >>> kili.send_back_to_queue(
        if is_empty_list_with_warning(
            "send_back_to_queue", "asset_ids", asset_ids
        ) or is_empty_list_with_warning("send_back_to_queue", "external_ids", external_ids):
            return None

        resolved_asset_ids = self._resolve_asset_ids(asset_ids, external_ids, project_id)

        properties_to_batch = {"asset_ids": resolved_asset_ids}

        def generate_variables(batch):
            return {"where": {"idIn": batch["asset_ids"]}}

            wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=8),
        def verify_last_batch(last_batch: Dict, results: List) -> None:
            """Check that all assets in the last batch have been sent back to queue."""
            if project_id is not None:
                project_id_ = project_id
            # in some case the results is [{'data': None}]
            elif isinstance(results[0]["data"], Dict) and results[0]["data"].get("id"):
                project_id_ = results[0]["data"].get("id")

            asset_ids = last_batch["asset_ids"][-1:]  # check lastest asset of the batch only
            nb_assets_in_queue = self.kili_api_gateway.count_assets(
            if len(asset_ids) != nb_assets_in_queue:
                raise MutationError("Failed to send some assets back to queue")

        results = mutate_from_paginated_call(
        result = self.format_result("data", results[0])
        if isinstance(result, dict) and "id" in result:
            assets_in_queue = self.kili_api_gateway.list_assets(
            result["asset_ids"] = [asset["id"] for asset in assets_in_queue]
        return result

add_to_review(self, asset_ids=None, external_ids=None, project_id=None)

Add assets to review.


Assets without any label will be ignored.


Name Type Description Default
asset_ids Optional[List[str]]

The asset internal IDs to add to review.

external_ids Optional[List[str]]

The asset external IDs to add to review.

project_id Optional[str]

The project ID. Only required if external_ids argument is provided.



Type Description
Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

A dict object with the project id and the asset_ids of assets moved to review. None if no assets have changed status (already had TO_REVIEW status for example). An error message if mutation failed.


>>> kili.add_to_review(
Source code in kili/entrypoints/mutations/asset/
def add_to_review(
    asset_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    external_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    project_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Add assets to review.

    !!! warning
        Assets without any label will be ignored.

        asset_ids: The asset internal IDs to add to review.
        external_ids: The asset external IDs to add to review.
        project_id: The project ID. Only required if `external_ids` argument is provided.

        A dict object with the project `id` and the `asset_ids` of assets moved to review.
        `None` if no assets have changed status (already had `TO_REVIEW` status for example).
        An error message if mutation failed.

        >>> kili.add_to_review(
    if is_empty_list_with_warning(
        "add_to_review", "asset_ids", asset_ids
    ) or is_empty_list_with_warning("add_to_review", "external_ids", external_ids):
        return None

    resolved_asset_ids = self._resolve_asset_ids(asset_ids, external_ids, project_id)

    properties_to_batch = {"asset_ids": resolved_asset_ids}

    def generate_variables(batch):
        return {"where": {"idIn": batch["asset_ids"]}}

        wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=8),
    def verify_last_batch(last_batch: Dict, results: List) -> None:
        """Check that all assets in the last batch have been sent to review."""
        if project_id is not None:
            project_id_ = project_id
        # in some case the results is [{'data': None}]
        elif isinstance(results[0]["data"], Dict) and results[0]["data"].get("id"):
            project_id_ = results[0]["data"].get("id")

        asset_ids = last_batch["asset_ids"][-1:]  # check last asset of the batch only
        nb_assets_in_review = self.kili_api_gateway.count_assets(
        if len(asset_ids) != nb_assets_in_review:
            raise MutationError("Failed to send some assets to review")

    results = mutate_from_paginated_call(
    result = self.format_result("data", results[0])
    # unlike send_back_to_queue, the add_to_review mutation doesn't always return the project ID
    # it happens when no assets have been sent to review
    if isinstance(result, dict) and "id" in result:
        assets_in_review = self.kili_api_gateway.list_assets(
        result["asset_ids"] = [asset["id"] for asset in assets_in_review]
    return result

append_many_to_dataset(self, project_id, content_array=None, multi_layer_content_array=None, external_id_array=None, id_array=None, is_honeypot_array=None, status_array=None, json_content_array=None, json_metadata_array=None, disable_tqdm=None, wait_until_availability=True, from_csv=None, csv_separator=',')

Append assets to a project.


Name Type Description Default
project_id str

Identifier of the project

content_array Union[List[str], List[dict], List[List[dict]]]

List of elements added to the assets of the project Must not be None except if you provide multi_layer_content_array or json_content_array.

  • For a TEXT project, the content can be either raw text, or URLs to TEXT assets.
  • For an IMAGE / PDF project, the content can be either URLs or paths to existing images/pdf on your computer.
  • For a VIDEO project, the content can be either URLs pointing to videos hosted on a web server or paths to existing video files on your computer. If you want to import video from frames, look at the json_content section below.
  • For an VIDEO_LEGACY project, the content can be only be URLs.
  • For an LLM_RLHF project, the content can be dicts with the keys prompt and completions, paths to local json files or URLs to json files.
multi_layer_content_array Optional[List[List[dict]]]

List containing multiple lists of paths. Each path correspond to a layer of a geosat asset. Should be used only for IMAGE projects.

external_id_array Optional[List[str]]

List of external ids given to identify the assets. If None, random identifiers are created.

id_array Optional[List[str]]

Disabled parameter. Do not use.

is_honeypot_array Optional[List[bool]]

Whether to use the asset for honeypot

status_array Optional[List[str]]

DEPRECATED and does not have any effect.

json_content_array Optional[List[Union[List[Union[dict, str]], NoneType]]]

Useful for VIDEO or TEXT or IMAGE projects only.

  • For VIDEO projects, each element is a sequence of frames, i.e. a list of URLs to images or a list of paths to images.
  • For TEXT projects, each element is a json_content dict, formatted according to documentation on how to import rich-text assets.
  • For IMAGES projects, it is used for satellite imagery each element is a list of json_content dicts formatted according to documentation [on how to add multi-layer images] (
json_metadata_array Optional[List[dict]]

The metadata given to each asset should be stored in a json like dict with keys.

  • Add metadata visible on the asset with the following keys: imageUrl, text, url. Example for one asset: json_metadata_array = [{'imageUrl': '','text': '','url': ''}].
  • For VIDEO projects (and not VIDEO_LEGACY), you can specify a value with key 'processingParameters' to specify the sampling rate (default: 30). Example for one asset: json_metadata_array = [{'processingParameters': {'framesPlayedPerSecond': 10}}].
  • In Image projects with geoTIFF assets, you can specify the epsg, the minZoom and maxZoom values for the processingParameters key.
    • The epsg is a number that defines the projection that will be used for the asset. Values that can be used are either 4326 or 3857, the 2 projections that we support. If this number is not set, by default we keep the initial projection of the asset if it is 4326 or 3857, either we reproject the asset to EPSG:3857 by default.
    • The minZoom parameter defines the zoom level that users are not allowed to zoom out from. It also affects the zoom levels for which we generate the tiles when tiling the asset (for asset with size > 30MB).
    • The maxZoom value affects asset generation: the higher the value, the greater the level of details and the size of the asset. It also affects the zoom levels for which we generate the tiles when tiling the asset (for asset with size > 30MB).
    • Example for one asset: json_metadata_array = [{'processingParameters': {'epsg': 3758, 'minZoom': 17, 'maxZoom': 19}}].
disable_tqdm Optional[bool]

If True, the progress bar will be disabled

wait_until_availability bool

If True, the function will return once the assets are fully imported in Kili. If False, the function will return faster but the assets might not be fully processed by the server.

from_csv Optional[str]

Path to a csv file containing the text assets to import. Only used for TEXT projects. If provided, content_array and external_id_array must be None. The csv file header must specify the columns content and externalId.

csv_separator str

Separator used in the csv file. Only used if from_csv is provided.



Type Description
A dictionary with two fields

id which is the project id and asset_ids which is a list of the created asset ids. In the case where assets are uploaded asynchronously (for video imported as frames or big images or tiff images), the method return an empty list of asset ids.


>>> kili.append_many_to_dataset(


  • For more detailed examples on how to import assets, see the recipe.
  • For more detailed examples on how to import text assets, see the recipe.
Source code in kili/entrypoints/mutations/asset/
def append_many_to_dataset(
    project_id: str,
    content_array: Optional[Union[List[str], List[dict], List[List[dict]]]] = None,
    multi_layer_content_array: Optional[List[List[dict]]] = None,
    external_id_array: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    id_array: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    is_honeypot_array: Optional[List[bool]] = None,
    status_array: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    json_content_array: Optional[List[Union[List[Union[dict, str]], None]]] = None,
    json_metadata_array: Optional[List[dict]] = None,
    disable_tqdm: Optional[bool] = None,
    wait_until_availability: bool = True,
    from_csv: Optional[str] = None,
    csv_separator: str = ",",
) -> Dict[Literal["id", "asset_ids"], Union[str, List[str]]]:
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    """Append assets to a project.

        project_id: Identifier of the project
        content_array: List of elements added to the assets of the project
            Must not be None except if you provide multi_layer_content_array or json_content_array.

            - For a `TEXT` project, the content can be either raw text, or URLs to TEXT assets.
            - For an `IMAGE` / `PDF` project, the content can be either URLs or paths to existing
                images/pdf on your computer.
            - For a VIDEO project, the content can be either URLs pointing to videos hosted on a web server or paths to
            existing video files on your computer. If you want to import video from frames, look at the json_content
            section below.
            - For an `VIDEO_LEGACY` project, the content can be only be URLs.
            - For an `LLM_RLHF` project, the content can be dicts with the keys `prompt` and `completions`,
            paths to local json files or URLs to json files.
        multi_layer_content_array: List containing multiple lists of paths.
            Each path correspond to a layer of a geosat asset. Should be used only for `IMAGE` projects.
        external_id_array: List of external ids given to identify the assets.
            If None, random identifiers are created.
        id_array: Disabled parameter. Do not use.
        is_honeypot_array:  Whether to use the asset for honeypot
        status_array: DEPRECATED and does not have any effect.
        json_content_array: Useful for `VIDEO` or `TEXT` or `IMAGE` projects only.

            - For `VIDEO` projects, each element is a sequence of frames, i.e. a
                list of URLs to images or a list of paths to images.
            - For `TEXT` projects, each element is a json_content dict,
                formatted according to documentation [on how to import
            rich-text assets](
            - For `IMAGES` projects, it is used for satellite imagery each element is a list of json_content dicts
                formatted according to documentation [on how to add multi-layer images]

        json_metadata_array: The metadata given to each asset should be stored in a json like dict with keys.

            - Add metadata visible on the asset with the following keys: `imageUrl`, `text`, `url`.
                Example for one asset: `json_metadata_array = [{'imageUrl': '','text': '','url': ''}]`.
            - For VIDEO projects (and not VIDEO_LEGACY), you can specify a value with key 'processingParameters' to specify the sampling rate (default: 30).
                Example for one asset: `json_metadata_array = [{'processingParameters': {'framesPlayedPerSecond': 10}}]`.
            - In Image projects with geoTIFF assets, you can specify the epsg, the `minZoom` and `maxZoom` values for the `processingParameters` key.
                - The epsg is a number that defines the projection that will be used for the asset. Values that can be used are either 4326 or 3857, the 2
                projections that we support. If this number is not set, by default we keep the initial projection of the asset if it is 4326 or 3857, either
                we reproject the asset to EPSG:3857 by default.
                - The `minZoom` parameter defines the zoom level that users are not allowed to zoom out from. It also affects the zoom levels for which we
                generate the tiles when tiling the asset (for asset with size > 30MB).
                - The `maxZoom` value affects asset generation: the higher the value, the greater the level of details and the size of the asset. It also affects
                the zoom levels for which we generate the tiles when tiling the asset (for asset with size > 30MB).
                - Example for one asset: `json_metadata_array = [{'processingParameters': {'epsg': 3758, 'minZoom': 17, 'maxZoom': 19}}]`.
        disable_tqdm: If `True`, the progress bar will be disabled
        wait_until_availability: If `True`, the function will return once the assets are fully imported in Kili.
            If `False`, the function will return faster but the assets might not be fully processed by the server.
        from_csv: Path to a csv file containing the text assets to import.
            Only used for `TEXT` projects.
            If provided, `content_array` and `external_id_array` must be None.
            The csv file header must specify the columns `content` and `externalId`.
        csv_separator: Separator used in the csv file. Only used if `from_csv` is provided.

        A dictionary with two fields: `id` which is the project id and `asset_ids` which is a list of the created asset ids.
        In the case where assets are uploaded asynchronously (for video imported as frames or big images or tiff images), the method return an empty list of asset ids.

        >>> kili.append_many_to_dataset(

    !!! example "Recipe"
        - For more detailed examples on how to import assets,
            see [the recipe](
        - For more detailed examples on how to import text assets,
            see [the recipe](
    if from_csv is not None:
        if content_array is not None or external_id_array is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "If from_csv is provided, content_array and external_id_array must not be"
                " provided."
        content_array, external_id_array = get_text_assets_from_csv(
            from_csv=from_csv, csv_separator=csv_separator

    if (
        is_empty_list_with_warning("append_many_to_dataset", "content_array", content_array)
        or is_empty_list_with_warning(
            "append_many_to_dataset", "json_content_array", json_content_array
        or is_empty_list_with_warning(
            "append_many_to_dataset", "multi_layer_content_array", multi_layer_content_array
        return {"id": project_id, "asset_ids": []}

    if status_array is not None:
            "status_array is deprecated and will not be sent in the call. Asset status is"
            " automatically computed based on its labels and cannot be overwritten.",

    if (
        content_array is None
        and multi_layer_content_array is None
        and json_content_array is None
        raise ValueError(
            "Variables content_array, multi_layer_content_array and json_content_array cannot be both None."

    if content_array is not None and multi_layer_content_array is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Variables content_array and multi_layer_content_array cannot be both provided."

    nb_data = (
        if content_array is not None
        else (
            if multi_layer_content_array is not None
            else len(json_content_array)  # type:ignore

    field_mapping = {
        "content": content_array,
        "multi_layer_content": multi_layer_content_array,
        "json_content": json_content_array,
        "external_id": external_id_array,
        "id": id_array,
        "json_metadata": json_metadata_array,
        "is_honeypot": is_honeypot_array,
    assets = [{}] * nb_data
    for key, value in field_mapping.items():
        if value is not None:
            assets = [{**assets[i], key: value[i]} for i in range(nb_data)]
    created_asset_ids = import_assets(
        self,  # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
    return {"id": project_id, "asset_ids": created_asset_ids}

change_asset_external_ids(self, new_external_ids, asset_ids=None, external_ids=None, project_id=None)

Update the external IDs of one or more assets.


Name Type Description Default
new_external_ids List[str]

The new external IDs of the assets.

asset_ids Optional[List[str]]

The asset IDs to modify.

external_ids Optional[List[str]]

The external asset IDs to modify (if asset_ids is not already provided).

project_id Optional[str]

The project ID. Only required if external_ids argument is provided.



Type Description
List[Dict[Literal['id'], str]]

A list of dictionaries with the asset ids.


>>> kili.change_asset_external_ids(
        new_external_ids=["asset1", "asset2"],
        asset_ids=["ckg22d81r0jrg0885unmuswj8", "ckg22d81s0jrh0885pdxfd03n"],
Source code in kili/entrypoints/mutations/asset/
def change_asset_external_ids(
    new_external_ids: List[str],
    asset_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    external_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    project_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> List[Dict[Literal["id"], str]]:
    """Update the external IDs of one or more assets.

        new_external_ids: The new external IDs of the assets.
        asset_ids: The asset IDs to modify.
        external_ids: The external asset IDs to modify (if `asset_ids` is not already provided).
        project_id: The project ID. Only required if `external_ids` argument is provided.

        A list of dictionaries with the asset ids.

        >>> kili.change_asset_external_ids(
                new_external_ids=["asset1", "asset2"],
                asset_ids=["ckg22d81r0jrg0885unmuswj8", "ckg22d81s0jrh0885pdxfd03n"],
    if is_empty_list_with_warning(
        "change_asset_external_ids", "new_external_ids", new_external_ids
        return []

    resolved_asset_ids = self._resolve_asset_ids(asset_ids, external_ids, project_id)

    properties_to_batch = process_update_properties_in_assets_parameters(
        asset_ids=cast(List[str], resolved_asset_ids),

    def generate_variables(batch: Dict) -> Dict:
        asset_ids = batch.pop("assetId")
        data_array = [dict(zip(batch, t)) for t in zip(*batch.values())]  # type: ignore
        return {
            "whereArray": [{"id": asset_id} for asset_id in asset_ids],
            "dataArray": data_array,

    results = mutate_from_paginated_call(
    formated_results = [self.format_result("data", result, None) for result in results]
    return [item for batch_list in formated_results for item in batch_list]

delete_many_from_dataset(self, asset_ids=None, external_ids=None, project_id=None)

Delete assets from a project.


Name Type Description Default
asset_ids Optional[List[str]]

The list of asset internal IDs to delete.

external_ids Optional[List[str]]

The list of asset external IDs to delete.

project_id Optional[str]

The project ID. Only required if external_ids argument is provided.



Type Description
Optional[Dict[Literal['id'], str]]

A dict object with the project id.

Source code in kili/entrypoints/mutations/asset/
def delete_many_from_dataset(
    asset_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    external_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    project_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Optional[Dict[Literal["id"], str]]:
    """Delete assets from a project.

        asset_ids: The list of asset internal IDs to delete.
        external_ids: The list of asset external IDs to delete.
        project_id: The project ID. Only required if `external_ids` argument is provided.

        A dict object with the project `id`.
    if is_empty_list_with_warning(
        "delete_many_from_dataset", "asset_ids", asset_ids
    ) or is_empty_list_with_warning("delete_many_from_dataset", "external_ids", external_ids):
        return None

    resolved_asset_ids = self._resolve_asset_ids(asset_ids, external_ids, project_id)

    properties_to_batch = {"asset_ids": resolved_asset_ids}

    def generate_variables(batch):
        return {"where": {"idIn": batch["asset_ids"]}}

        wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=8),
    def verify_last_batch(last_batch: Dict, results: List) -> None:
        """Check that all assets in the last batch have been deleted."""
        if project_id is not None:
            project_id_ = project_id
        # in some case the results is [{'data': None}]
        elif isinstance(results[0]["data"], Dict) and results[0]["data"].get("id"):
            project_id_ = results[0]["data"].get("id")

        asset_ids = last_batch["asset_ids"][-1:]  # check last asset of the batch only

        nb_assets_in_kili = self.kili_api_gateway.count_assets(
        if nb_assets_in_kili > 0:
            raise MutationError("Failed to delete some assets.")

    results = mutate_from_paginated_call(
    return self.format_result("data", results[0])

send_back_to_queue(self, asset_ids=None, external_ids=None, project_id=None)

Send assets back to queue.


Name Type Description Default
asset_ids Optional[List[str]]

List of internal IDs of assets to send back to queue.

external_ids Optional[List[str]]

List of external IDs of assets to send back to queue.

project_id Optional[str]

The project ID. Only required if external_ids argument is provided.



Type Description
Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

A dict object with the project id and the asset_ids of assets moved to queue. An error message if mutation failed.


>>> kili.send_back_to_queue(
Source code in kili/entrypoints/mutations/asset/
def send_back_to_queue(
    asset_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    external_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    project_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Send assets back to queue.

        asset_ids: List of internal IDs of assets to send back to queue.
        external_ids: List of external IDs of assets to send back to queue.
        project_id: The project ID. Only required if `external_ids` argument is provided.

        A dict object with the project `id` and the `asset_ids` of assets moved to queue.
        An error message if mutation failed.

        >>> kili.send_back_to_queue(
    if is_empty_list_with_warning(
        "send_back_to_queue", "asset_ids", asset_ids
    ) or is_empty_list_with_warning("send_back_to_queue", "external_ids", external_ids):
        return None

    resolved_asset_ids = self._resolve_asset_ids(asset_ids, external_ids, project_id)

    properties_to_batch = {"asset_ids": resolved_asset_ids}

    def generate_variables(batch):
        return {"where": {"idIn": batch["asset_ids"]}}

        wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=8),
    def verify_last_batch(last_batch: Dict, results: List) -> None:
        """Check that all assets in the last batch have been sent back to queue."""
        if project_id is not None:
            project_id_ = project_id
        # in some case the results is [{'data': None}]
        elif isinstance(results[0]["data"], Dict) and results[0]["data"].get("id"):
            project_id_ = results[0]["data"].get("id")

        asset_ids = last_batch["asset_ids"][-1:]  # check lastest asset of the batch only
        nb_assets_in_queue = self.kili_api_gateway.count_assets(
        if len(asset_ids) != nb_assets_in_queue:
            raise MutationError("Failed to send some assets back to queue")

    results = mutate_from_paginated_call(
    result = self.format_result("data", results[0])
    if isinstance(result, dict) and "id" in result:
        assets_in_queue = self.kili_api_gateway.list_assets(
        result["asset_ids"] = [asset["id"] for asset in assets_in_queue]
    return result

update_properties_in_assets(self, asset_ids=None, external_ids=None, priorities=None, json_metadatas=None, consensus_marks=None, honeypot_marks=None, to_be_labeled_by_array=None, contents=None, json_contents=None, status_array=None, is_used_for_consensus_array=None, is_honeypot_array=None, project_id=None, resolution_array=None, page_resolutions_array=None)

Update the properties of one or more assets.


Name Type Description Default
asset_ids Optional[List[str]]

The internal asset IDs to modify.

external_ids Optional[List[str]]

The external asset IDs to modify (if asset_ids is not already provided).

priorities Optional[List[int]]

You can change the priority of the assets. By default, all assets have a priority of 0.

json_metadatas Optional[List[Union[dict, str]]]

The metadata given to an asset should be stored in a json like dict with keys imageUrl, text, url: json_metadata = {'imageUrl': '','text': '','url': ''}

consensus_marks Optional[List[float]]

Should be between 0 and 1.

honeypot_marks Optional[List[float]]

Should be between 0 and 1.

to_be_labeled_by_array Optional[List[List[str]]]

If given, each element of the list should contain the emails of the labelers authorized to label the asset.

contents Optional[List[str]]
  • For a NLP project, the content can be directly in text format.
  • For an Image / Video / Pdf project, the content must be hosted on a web server, and you point Kili to your data by giving the URLs.
json_contents Optional[List[str]]
  • For a NLP project, the json_content is a text formatted using RichText.
  • For a Video project, thejson_content is a json containg urls pointing to each frame of the video.
status_array Optional[List[str]]

DEPRECATED and does not have any effect.

is_used_for_consensus_array Optional[List[bool]]

Whether to use the asset to compute consensus kpis or not.

is_honeypot_array Optional[List[bool]]

Whether to use the asset for honeypot.

project_id Optional[str]

The project ID. Only required if external_ids argument is provided.

resolution_array Optional[List[Dict]]

The resolution of each asset (for image and video assets). Each resolution must be passed as a dictionary with keys width and height.

page_resolutions_array Union[List[List[dict]], List[List[kili.utils.assets.PageResolution]]]

The resolution of each page of the asset (for PDF assets). Note that each element of the array should contain all the pages resolutions of the corresponding asset. Each resolution can be passed as a kili.utils.assets.PageResolution object, or as a dictionary with keys width, height, pageNumber and optionally rotation.



Type Description
List[Dict[Literal['id'], str]]

A list of dictionaries with the asset ids.


>>> kili.update_properties_in_assets(
        asset_ids=["ckg22d81r0jrg0885unmuswj8", "ckg22d81s0jrh0885pdxfd03n"],
        consensus_marks=[1, 0.7],
        contents=[None, 'https://to/second/asset.png'],
        honeypot_marks=[0.8, 0.5],
        is_honeypot_array=[True, True],
        is_used_for_consensus_array=[True, False],
        priorities=[None, 2],
        to_be_labeled_by_array=[[''], None],
# The following call updates the pages resolutions of PDF assets.
>>> kili.update_properties_in_assets(
        asset_ids=["ckg22d81r0jrg0885unmuswj8", "ckg22d81s0jrh0885pdxfd03n"],
                PageResolution(width=480, height=640, page_number=1),
                PageResolution(width=480, height=640, page_number=2),
                PageResolution(width=340, height=512, page_number=1),
                PageResolution(width=680, height=1024, page_number=2, rotation=90),
                PageResolution(width=680, height=1024, page_number=3),
Source code in kili/entrypoints/mutations/asset/
def update_properties_in_assets(
    asset_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    external_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    priorities: Optional[List[int]] = None,
    json_metadatas: Optional[List[Union[dict, str]]] = None,
    consensus_marks: Optional[List[float]] = None,
    honeypot_marks: Optional[List[float]] = None,
    to_be_labeled_by_array: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None,
    contents: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    json_contents: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    status_array: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    is_used_for_consensus_array: Optional[List[bool]] = None,
    is_honeypot_array: Optional[List[bool]] = None,
    project_id: Optional[str] = None,
    resolution_array: Optional[List[Dict]] = None,
    page_resolutions_array: Optional[
        Union[List[List[dict]], List[List[PageResolution]]]
    ] = None,
) -> List[Dict[Literal["id"], str]]:
    """Update the properties of one or more assets.

        asset_ids: The internal asset IDs to modify.
        external_ids: The external asset IDs to modify (if `asset_ids` is not already provided).
        priorities: You can change the priority of the assets.
            By default, all assets have a priority of 0.
        json_metadatas: The metadata given to an asset should be stored
            in a json like dict with keys `imageUrl`, `text`, `url`:
            `json_metadata = {'imageUrl': '','text': '','url': ''}`
        consensus_marks: Should be between 0 and 1.
        honeypot_marks: Should be between 0 and 1.
        to_be_labeled_by_array: If given, each element of the list should contain the emails of
            the labelers authorized to label the asset.
        contents: - For a NLP project, the content can be directly in text format.
            - For an Image / Video / Pdf project, the content must be hosted on a web server,
            and you point Kili to your data by giving the URLs.
        json_contents: - For a NLP project, the `json_content`
            is a text formatted using RichText.
            - For a Video project, the`json_content` is a json containg urls pointing
                to each frame of the video.
        status_array: DEPRECATED and does not have any effect.
        is_used_for_consensus_array: Whether to use the asset to compute consensus kpis or not.
        is_honeypot_array: Whether to use the asset for honeypot.
        project_id: The project ID. Only required if `external_ids` argument is provided.
        resolution_array: The resolution of each asset (for image and video assets).
            Each resolution must be passed as a dictionary with keys `width` and `height`.
        page_resolutions_array: The resolution of each page of the asset (for PDF assets).
            Note that each element of the array should contain all the pages resolutions of the
            corresponding asset. Each resolution can be passed as a
            `kili.utils.assets.PageResolution` object, or as a dictionary with keys `width`,
            `height`, `pageNumber` and optionally `rotation`.

        A list of dictionaries with the asset ids.

        >>> kili.update_properties_in_assets(
                asset_ids=["ckg22d81r0jrg0885unmuswj8", "ckg22d81s0jrh0885pdxfd03n"],
                consensus_marks=[1, 0.7],
                contents=[None, 'https://to/second/asset.png'],
                honeypot_marks=[0.8, 0.5],
                is_honeypot_array=[True, True],
                is_used_for_consensus_array=[True, False],
                priorities=[None, 2],
                to_be_labeled_by_array=[[''], None],

            # The following call updates the pages resolutions of PDF assets.
        >>> kili.update_properties_in_assets(
                asset_ids=["ckg22d81r0jrg0885unmuswj8", "ckg22d81s0jrh0885pdxfd03n"],
                        PageResolution(width=480, height=640, page_number=1),
                        PageResolution(width=480, height=640, page_number=2),
                        PageResolution(width=340, height=512, page_number=1),
                        PageResolution(width=680, height=1024, page_number=2, rotation=90),
                        PageResolution(width=680, height=1024, page_number=3),
    if is_empty_list_with_warning(
        "update_properties_in_assets", "asset_ids", asset_ids
    ) or is_empty_list_with_warning(
        "update_properties_in_assets", "external_ids", external_ids
        return []

    if status_array is not None:
            "status_array is deprecated and will not be sent in the call. Asset status is"
            " automatically computed based on its labels and cannot be overwritten.",
    if asset_ids is not None and external_ids is not None:
            "The use of `external_ids` argument has changed. It is now used to identify"
            " which properties of which assets to update. Please use"
            " `kili.change_asset_external_ids()` method instead to change asset external"
            " IDs.",
        raise MissingArgumentError("Please provide either `asset_ids` or `external_ids`.")

    resolved_asset_ids = self._resolve_asset_ids(asset_ids, external_ids, project_id)

    properties_to_batch = process_update_properties_in_assets_parameters(
        cast(List[str], resolved_asset_ids),

    def generate_variables(batch: Dict) -> Dict:
        asset_ids = batch.pop("assetId")
        data_array = [dict(zip(batch, t)) for t in zip(*batch.values())]  # type: ignore
        return {
            "whereArray": [{"id": asset_id} for asset_id in asset_ids],
            "dataArray": data_array,

    results = mutate_from_paginated_call(
    formated_results = [self.format_result("data", result, None) for result in results]
    return [item for batch_list in formated_results for item in batch_list]