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Kili Command line Interface

To get all the available commands, please type: kili project --help.




Name Type Description Default
--version boolean Show the version and exit. False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Commands to interact with a Kili project


kili project [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Create a Kili project

interface must be a path pointing to your json interface file

If no interface is provided, --from-project can be used to create a new project with the json_interface of another project (assets will not be copied).


kili project create \
     path/to/interface.json \
    --input-type TEXT \
    --title "Invoice annotation project"
kili project create \
    --from-project <project_id_src> \
    --input-type TEXT \
    --title "Invoice annotation project"

To build a Kili project interface, please visit:


kili project create [OPTIONS] [INTERFACE]


Name Type Description Default
--api-key text Your Kili API key. None
--endpoint text Kili API Endpoint. None
--from-project text project_id of another Kili project None
--title text Project Title. _required
--input-type choice (AUDIO | FRAME | IMAGE | PDF | TEXT | TIME_SERIES | VIDEO | VIDEO_LEGACY) Project input data type. Please check your license to see which ones you have access to. _required
--description text Project description. ``
--stdout-format text Defines how the output table is formatted (see, default: plain). plain
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Show project description and analytics.


kili project describe --project-id <project_id>


kili project describe [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID


Name Type Description Default
--api-key text Your Kili API key. None
--endpoint text Kili API Endpoint. None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Export the Kili labels of a project to a given format.

The supported formats are: - Yolo V4, V5, V7 for object detection (bounding box) tasks. - Kili for all tasks. - COCO (coming soon) for object detection tasks. - Pascal VOC (coming soon) for object detection tasks.


kili project export \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --output-format yolo_v5 \
    --output-file /tmp/
kili project export \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --output-format yolo_v4 \
    --output-file /tmp/ \
    --layout split

Unsupported exports

Currently, this command does not support the export of videos that have not been cut into separated frames.

For such exports, please use the Kili UI.


kili project export [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--output-format choice (raw | yolo_v4 | yolo_v5 | yolo_v7) Format into which the label data will be converted _required
--output-file text File into which the labels are saved. _required
--layout choice (split | merged) Layout of the label files merged
--single-file boolean Layout of the label files False
--api-key text Your Kili API key. None
--endpoint text Kili API Endpoint. None
--project-id text Id of the project _required
--verbose boolean Show more logs False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Add assets into a project

Files can be paths to files or to folders. You can provide several paths separated by spaces.

If no Files are provided, --from-csv can be used to import assets from a CSV file with two columns:

  • external_id: external id of the asset.
  • content: paths to the asset file or a url hosting the asset.


kili project import \
    dir1/dir2/ dir1/dir3/test1.png \
    --project-id <project_id>
kili project import \
    dir1/dir3/video.mp4 \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --frames \
    --fps 24
kili project import \
    --from-csv assets_list.csv \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --frames \
    --fps 24

Unsupported imports

Currently, this command does not support:

  • the import of videos from local frames, rich text and time series assets
  • the import of assets with metadata or with a custom external_id

For such imports, please use the append_many_to_dataset method in the Kili SDK.


kili project import [OPTIONS] [FILES]...


Name Type Description Default
--api-key text Your Kili API key. None
--endpoint text Kili API Endpoint. None
--project-id text Id of the project _required
--from-csv path path to a csv file with required columns:external_id, content required columns: None
--frames boolean Only for a frame project, import videos as frames. The import time is longer with this option. False
--fps integer Only for a frame project, import videos with a specific frame rate None
--verbose boolean Show more logs False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Import labels or predictions

Files can be paths to files or to folders. You can provide several paths separated by spaces. The labels to import have to be in the Kili format and stored in a json file. File's name must be equal to asset's external_id.

If no files are provided, --from-csv can be used to import assets from a CSV file with two columns:

  • label_asset_external_id: external id for which you want to import labels.
  • label_asset_id: asset id for which you want to import labels (mutual exclusive with the field above, and not available for predictions)
  • path: paths to the json files containing the json_response to upload.

Additional columns can be provided in the CSV file, see .append_to_labels in the Python client documentation:

  • label_type
  • seconds_to_label
  • author_id

CSV file template for the raw Kili format


CSV file template for a Yolo format



To import default labels:

kili project label \
     dir1/dir2/ dir1/dir3/test1.json \
    --project-id <project_id>
kili project label \
    --from-csv path/to/file.csv \
    --project-id <project_id>
To import labels as predictions:
kili project label \
    --from-csv path/to/file.csv \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --prediction \
    --model-name YOLO-run-3
To import labels as predictions in the Yolo v5 format into a target job:
kili project label \
    --from-csv path/to/file.csv \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --prediction \
    --model-name YOLO-v5 \
    --metadata-file classes.yml \
    --target-job IMAGE_DETECTION_JOB \
    --input-format yolo_v5


kili project label [OPTIONS] [FILES]...


Name Type Description Default
--api-key text Your Kili API key. None
--endpoint text Kili API Endpoint. None
--from-csv path path to a csv file with required columns:external_id, json_response_path required columns: None
--project-id text Id of the project _required
--prediction boolean Tells to import labels as predictions, which means that they will appear as pre-annotations in the Kili interface False
--model-name text Name of the model that generated predictions, if labels are sent as predictions None
--verbose boolean Show more logs False
--input-format choice (yolo_v4 | yolo_v5 | yolo_v7 | raw) Format in which the labels are encoded raw
--metadata-file text File containing format metadata (if relevant to the input format) None
--target-job text Job name in the project where to upload the labels (if relevant to the input format) None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


List your projects


kili project list --max 10 --stdout-format pretty


kili project list [OPTIONS]


Name Type Description Default
--api-key text Your Kili API key. None
--endpoint text Kili API Endpoint. None
--stdout-format text Defines how the output table is formatted (see, default: plain). plain
--max integer Maximum number of project to display. 100
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Commands to interact with Kili project members


kili project member [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Name Type Description Default
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Add members to a Kili project

Emails can be passed directly as arguments. You can provide several emails separated by spaces.


kili project member add \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --role REVIEWER \
kili project member add \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --from-csv path/to/members.csv
kili project member add \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --from-project <project_id_scr>


kili project member add [OPTIONS] [EMAILS]...


Name Type Description Default
--api-key text Your Kili API key. None
--endpoint text Kili API Endpoint. None
--project-id text Id of the project _required
--role choice (ADMIN | TEAM_MANAGER | REVIEWER | LABELER) Project role of the added user(s). None
--from-csv path path to a csv file with required columns:email required columns: role None
--from-project text project_id of another Kili project None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


List the members of the project


kili project member list <project_id> --stdout-format pretty


kili project member list [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID


Name Type Description Default
--api-key text Your Kili API key. None
--endpoint text Kili API Endpoint. None
--stdout-format text Defines how the output table is formatted (see, default: plain). plain
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Remove members from a Kili project

Emails can be passed directly as arguments. You can provide several emails separated by spaces.


kili project member rm \
    --project-id <project_id> \
kili project member rm \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --from-csv path/to/members.csv
kili project member rm \
    --project-id <project_id> \


kili project member rm [OPTIONS] [EMAILS]...


Name Type Description Default
--api-key text Your Kili API key. None
--endpoint text Kili API Endpoint. None
--project-id text Id of the project _required
--from-csv path path to a csv file with required columns:email required columns: role None
--all boolean Remove all users from project False
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False


Update member's role of a Kili project

Emails can be passed directly as arguments. You can provide several emails separated by spaces.


kili project member update\
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --role REVIEWER \
kili project member update \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --from-csv path/to/members.csv
kili project member update \
    --project-id <project_id> \
    --from-project <project_id_scr>


kili project member update [OPTIONS] [EMAILS]...


Name Type Description Default
--api-key text Your Kili API key. None
--endpoint text Kili API Endpoint. None
--project-id text Id of the project _required
--role choice (ADMIN | TEAM_MANAGER | REVIEWER | LABELER) Project role of the added user(s). None
--from-csv path path to a csv file with required columns:email required columns: role None
--from-project text project_id of another Kili project None
--help boolean Show this message and exit. False